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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. I'd be happy with just the paintjob! Looks beautiful.
  2. So what speeds are we talking here if you don't mind my asking?
  3. WOW! The colors look spot on. But...still a bit too shiny IMHO.
  4. Can't you get someone else to service the wife? It'll save you a lot of time so we can see the pics sooner.
  5. If he told you anything he'd have to kill you.
  6. Danny Choo has some Max Factory Guyver pics on his Wonder Festival 2007 page, Just scroll down a bit.
  7. What if it costs $250? Up to now I've also waited for seconds releases, but this time I'll take the (deep) plunge and get the first release. I don't play with my toys anyway, they just have to sit in my display cabinet and look good. (If I keep telling that to myself I might start to believe it )
  8. But is there a joint directly behind the fans in the case of the SV-51? I haven't noticed any yet. *EDIT* Nevermind. Just looked at the first pics again and noticed them afterall.
  9. Thanks mista G-man! You're the greatestest!!! Is she that small or is the toy that big? Is that the display stand that'll come with the SV-51?
  10. When the HLJ early bird pre-order began, they had it set for a june release, but now they've changed it to future relaese. What's going on? Is the release being pushed back?
  11. a week!?!?! You should get a batch processing utility. Or you could make it sound really fun and teach your son to do it for ya. *EDIT* IPB needs a spelling checker.
  12. Please mista G-man *cough cough*, post some pics...*cough* Just one should be enough to get me through the day *cough*. Please mista G-man, I need a little fix, I know you can hook me up, I'd do anything...*cough*
  13. Please start with the SV-51 pics!. Please please please please!!
  14. Thanks for the scans Graham. The submarine type craft looks sweet!
  15. I find it really weird that there's still no pics of the SV-51 popping up around the net. Lets hope Graham got the chance to take some pics before having to run from Big Scary Yamato Booth Guy. I'd love to see some pics of the Boosters on Ivanov's 51.
  16. Hi there Garrick. Welcome to MW. You might want to shoot Mechmaster a pm about those 3d models.
  17. I heard that exact same sentence in this realy interesting movie last night.
  18. Those EVA's look very nice but I think I'll gamble and wait for Bandai to release them in the SPEC line.
  19. Great to hear that the boosters will be included with Ivanov's SV-51! The missilepods and other weapons will also be included right?
  20. I couldn't do it any better, but I'll just highlight some mistakes that could be fixed quite easily IMO. The texture of panel line on the front of the nose doesn't line up right. The landing gear bay doors are both opened and closed. The head lasers are too thin.
  21. So, what price range are we talking here?
  22. Oooww! Nice! I wonder how big that'll be?
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