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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Same here! C'mon Yamato, let me spend my money, I don't want it anymore!
  2. OMFG!! That pic is amazing! The shiny effect is all gone and the lighting is simply beautiful. Makes me want to be on the bridge and enjoy the sunset.
  3. Dante74

    Please Read

    Same here. feels a bit like there's a hot chick laying in your bed just waiting for you to jump on her, but you just...can't...touch her...
  4. You clearly have never been to Paris. It's crazy. They figure bumpers were put on cars to push other cars out of the way to get more parking space. I'll take the subway thank you very much. *EDIT* So is this folding art from France called 'Le origami'?
  5. ...which is weird cause there's still plenty around. Toy-Wave still has a couple of SOC's available.
  6. I'd rather be in the galley than in any destroid. Although I think ya'll wouldn't really like the Dutch food I'd cook.
  7. Whatever is going to be released, it means that the people in charge (Big West?) haven't forgotten about the franchise. That fact puts a smile on my face.
  8. I'll take my chances, slim as they might be, and wait for Yamato to do an SDF-1. This looks nice, but it's just too expensive for its size.
  9. That's what a VF-1J Max should look like out of the box. Simply beautiful!
  10. "Ich brauch keine hilfe" (I don't need any help) Kid, you're wrong...
  11. 'Damn 56K!!!' LOL!!!11 Was that David H?
  12. Thanks! You have a good point, the front gear should squat a bit. Although I don't plan to revisit that particular image, I am ready to do new one. All I need is a good picture to fit a render into.
  13. No no no, just pictures won't do. This is the broadband era, shoot vids and post 'em on youtube!
  14. That gives a whole new meaning to the color of his shirt.
  15. Haven't been following this thread so I don't know if this has been posted yet. Enjoy. Lilformers webcomic
  16. Ooooow thanks promethuem5! Now I have something to salivate over untill my Griffon agets here.
  17. I've been thinking about getting one of these. Is it any good?
  18. Has anyone gotten the Griffon yet? I'd like to see some action pics.
  19. So you were a MW moderator using the Low Fi version of IPB, or did you just wait a couple of minutes for the the page to load?
  20. How about a blue version...with a white stripe across its back...and delta wings...and a second seat?
  21. Hear hear! Thanks for the pics Graham! I really can't wait to see the Fold Booster's LED's in action. I'm glad I pre-ordered. (btw: HLJ once again have it set for a june release) The supports holding the Booster on the VF-0A look a little off. They don't seem to fit or they're attached the wrong way. I'm talking about the supports under the Booster's belly on the back of the VF-0A klick for pic. And then there's the SV-51...wow...it's simply beautiful. I'll take three, thank you. As for the other stuff, not Macross, have to prioritize, not gonna get them.
  22. Nice! Is that Megatron there in the front?
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