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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Please continue work on all of the above projects! I still drool over your renders of the SDF-1 and the VF-1 on a regular basis. I can host it for you on my imageshack account or you can open an account for yourself. PM and I'll send you my e-mail adress to send the hi-res version to.
  2. Here's my two cents, Graham meets with Yamato on a regular basis; AFAIK Graham doesn't speak Japanese, which means that the Yamato rep must speak english; The people at Yamato know that Graham owns a Macross Fan site with a busy forum full of fanboys; Therefore the English speaking Yamato rep must lurk here, he'd be stupid not to; They must have read all the Yamato bashing that's been going on following the release of the YF-19; They must have thought that, if they weren't going to lower the price of the toys and add more goodies with the package, they'd sell a lot less units of the upcoming SV-51.
  3. Gawd! I can't stop looking at those pics! Graham, Have you held it in your hands yet? Have you seen how it transforms? [shameless consumer mode] I WANT THIS NOW!!!11[/shameless consumer mode]
  4. OMG! That pic with the boosters on the wings almost made me cry with joy. IIRC EMS packages always get checked by customs. I've never had anything come through customs without paying taxes that had been shipped using EMS. The only thing to get through customs unscaved is my GBP which got here by SAL.
  5. I could buy it from Toy-Wave but they're not offering it yet. I still have a couple of months left until the release of the toys. If any other seller offers any of them cheaper I'll cancel my order at HLJ and go with the other seller. (note, that is not something I would do if I were to buy an item one these boards or from any other private seller. The way I see it is; HLJ doesn't keep my ordered items on hold one day longer than two months, so I feel I have the right to cancel an order if I can get it for less at another place that is willing to hold on to it for longer.) With shipments that are this valuable, HLJ will use EMS to send the items anyway, which means customs will get to it with 100% certainty. I'm not getting out of paying the ~20% taxes so I might as well save some euro's by combining the shipment.
  6. So. is the YF-19 waiting in line to enter the urinal (tournament) in this pic? *EDIT* Original pic by Graham
  7. That might be, but for us Europeans, they're kind of the only option. If I order this from an american online store I know I'll pay too much, cause they have to ship from Asia to the US and then to Europe. That's a lot of shipping that someone has to pay for and I'm pretty sure it'll be me. Have you got acces to my HLJ account? I have those exact same items on pre-order. Sorry guys, I'm kind of hoping the Shin/ghost combo and the YF-19/FB combo will be delayed so the items will be combined into one package to save on shipping.
  8. I expected the price to be a little higher, but you won't hear me complaining.
  9. Just found a nice gallery containing lots of aircraft models including some Yakikaze models. Sparrow Scratchbuilt Aviation
  10. That's what i meant. Now we have two threads about the new Macross series when there could/ should be just one.
  11. If you mean the Yellow Submarine kits, they are pre-built. They are a bit small IMO. I'd prefer it if they were 1/72 or 1/48.
  12. As usual Graham knows something but can't tell us about it. I voted Yamato because I like continuity in my toys.
  13. Wow, Thanks for the link. Nice and cheap too! As soon as they're available again, I'll order a couple of them.
  14. Are there even any toys or pre-assembled models available of the Yukikaze planes? And if not, why?
  15. Downloading now! You might say I've become a bit of a fan.
  16. So Kawamori is involved. This just keeps getting better and better.
  17. I'm more an ABS man myself, although I hear POM is getting to be really popular these days. Yamato are even going to change some parts from ABS to POM just to ride the hype.
  18. Ooooowww! a real series! Ok, now I'm getting excited
  19. I just ordered the spec EVA from HLJ, along with a Revoltech 'well hung' Type Zero. I'm hoping Bandai releases all the EVA's in the Spec line, but please Bandai, make the armor on the the EVA-04 die-cast. The shiny crome look on my SOC EVA-04 looks so much better than the plastic look on the Revoltech EVA-04.
  20. Hey! No link to MW?!?! I'm glad they made part of the site in English so non-Japanese can also navigate it.
  21. There's a 'full screen' button on the youtube player you know...
  22. I was thinking the exact same thing!
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