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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Actually, dildo's don't recuire batteries as they don't do anything (except the obvious...). The batteries go in vibrators. Not that I have ANY experience with either of them, just logic I guess.
  2. See this post in this thread. That's the stand alone Ghost.
  3. Still no scans from the hobby mags?
  4. Here ya go, a whole thread dedicated to pics of ghosts.
  5. I think the SV-51 in these pics is still the resin prototype.
  6. Damn, that thing is huge! (Now where did I hear that before? hmmm, dejavu... )
  7. Maybe the display stand allows buyers to pose the SV-51 with it's nose straight up like it was stored in the submarine.
  8. Found the light effects for the fold booster on Yamato's site. link click on the two little thumbnails to start the animation. Looks good IMO. Does anyone know if it features sounds?
  9. I'm gonna have a hard time deciding which mode to display this in. This might actually be the first toy I'll transform on a regular basis, which is bad considering the expected fragility. Am I the only one that thinks it's looks a bit glossy?
  10. Done! Finally it looks like it's not just standing there.
  11. Thanks! I'll try it today and post some pics if I succeed.
  12. They should put some rocket lanchers and machine guns on it.
  13. Roy: "I never really loved Claudia! It's you I want!"
  14. The Dutch are a bit more sensitive when it comes to swastika's then Americans I think.
  15. Nice work on the VF-0S Gerwalk pose. <copy>I may have to borrow that Roy pose from you. <paste> Great idea!
  16. Well, he's the one that's maintaining and adding to the custom gallery. BTW: Is there a new spam countermeasure in effect? I get a floodcontrol message telling me to wait two minutes before creating a new post.
  17. What, no FAST packs on the 1/48's? Otherwise, great display!
  18. I'm getting curious about your age...
  19. Maybe you should PM Mechamaniac?
  20. Found this little CG giant robot video and didn't want to start a whole new thread for it. link There's a hi-rez version available through torrents.
  21. Don't worry, with that attitude you will. Sounds like you really got hurt by some girl to be so hatefull towards women? Maybe you should spend some of that money you saved by not being married on some therapy?
  22. Maybe Kawamori should sue himself for copyright infringement?
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