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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. ALL HAIL st. EUGIMON!! You're not gonna make us drink the coolaid are ya?
  2. Quoted for truth. Besides, this is a Forum. Anything stated by it's members (except people that are "in the know" like yourself) should be taken with a big grain of salt. 5 grains in BoB's case.
  3. I really have no idea why ya'll want a YF-21 that looks like a jet without jet engines.
  4. *Comes into the room, looks around and starts yelling at everybody to get back to work.* *Waits till everybody is gone, quickly grabs a beer, gobles it down, belches loudly and waits for Graham*
  5. My hand hurts from scrolling through all those pics. That is one hell of a collection.
  6. After some thought, I decided that I'll wait for the 2nd release. It worked for the YF-19 and I'm very happy that I waited for the 2nd release with that one. Having said that, it'll probably take Yamato about a year to release a 2nd version and if the reviews on the 1st release are positive I might cave in and grab one anyway. I could care less about the FP which look fugly IMO.
  7. The VF-0 series already has that feature and it's not very popular among collectors.
  8. Ah, so I'm not the only one that's still on the fence about getting the Ivanov SV-51. I've still got a pre-order going, but the Nora version is looking sweet too and I'm not sure I can afford both. With Yamato's record for first releases I'm not sure what to do. I'd love to have the Ivanov ASAP and I just put my toys in a display and look at them so it probably won't break, but still... Meh, what the hell, you only live once right?
  9. As much as I love the YF-21 and 19, the VF-11 will be the 'multiple purchase Valk' for me. There was only one YF-19 in the anime and only one YF-21, so that's how much will be on my shelf. The VF-11, however, was canon fodder, so I can buy as many of those as I want. If Yamato make the VF-19A and the VF-22, I'll get those, but there will only be one dark blue with yellow stripes YF-21, and one beige with red and black details YF-19 for me.
  10. That's an amazing piece of artwork! Anyone else notice the U.N.T. SPACY on it's weapon?
  11. I call bullsh!t. Graham allready stated that Yamato will NOT be releasing any 1/48 two-seaters.
  12. According to st.Eugimon's prophecies we'll get a MacZero release after the YF-21 so it'll probably be another year before we see a VF-11.
  13. Thank Gawd! finally someone that feels the same way about FAST packs on Valks other than the VF-1. I started a thread about this subject a couple of months ago, but it left me feeling seriously misunderstood by my fellow MW members. poor little old meee!
  14. Those look great! I can't read the text, any more details available?
  15. Says who?! Did I miss something? The YF-21 uses more anime magic than any other VF. If they can get that right, a VF-11 should be easy. I've always thought of the VF-11 as a mix of YF-19 and YF-21 design elements. Any lessons learned from designing the 19 and 21 will make the VF-11 an easy score for Yamato.
  16. Delayed? Good, it'll give me more time to save up cash.
  17. Meaning you've allready seen a prototype right. Bastid!!!1 You, my friend, deserve a custom title. Where do I sign up for my pre order?
  18. Is the VF-0B even canon? I don't remember seeing it in the anime.
  19. Great idea for a site, but you could do with some design like banners, logo, etc.. If you need any help, let me know.
  20. I can answer that first one: Because it's a cartoon and water seeping out of a bullet hole wouldn't be very spectacular. Can't argue with point b) though.
  21. No more VF-0's for me. Not until Yamato release a VF-0D. If Eugimon really the prophet, we'll see a Mac+ toy after the SV-51 and we'll see a MacZero toy again after that. Let's hope it's a VF-0D. On second thought, I'd prefer a Reactive Armor as that would be a little less expensive. EDIT* spelling
  22. Here's my entry. I'm pretty sure Yamato will do this one someday.
  23. Made some more... Same as above, but using the dark background. Same without the panellines. Using a mirrored effect that seems to be quite popular these days. The old one using the new background color. Same, but with the 'old skool' logo.
  24. I could make a Nexus version of this one and have another go at creating one for MW using this dark blue background. I noticed that the banner is made up of a small gif that is repeated along the widht of the page. I can make a gif that would fit in with the fuselage colors like on the right side of my banner.
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