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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. They'll hit the streets in december. Yamato might not have the license for the Frontier toys.
  2. Dante74

    Graham's Sig

    I thought about that too, but wouldn't it be a little big in 1/60? (my preferred scale )
  3. Dante74

    Graham's Sig

    Graham's new sig... Any ideas? Is it a feature on the upcoming YF-21 or is it a whole new VF?
  4. David, where are you?! We need your expert opinion on Nora's colors!
  5. Don't know much about pc setups, but I can point you in the direction of the supergeek thread. Lots of PC experts hang around there.
  6. It makes me want to finally see his entire collection on display! *EDIT* Damn, you posted right before me. Kensei, you just gave me another reason to look forward to Christmas.
  7. I'd expect them to be available from the usual suspects. HLJ, LOS, BBTS, Toy-Wave etc... I hope they release them sometime between Nora's SV-51 and the YF-21. That'd be much easier on my finances.
  8. And it's greatly appreciated Kensei! That line up looks beautiful.
  9. I don't particularly care for the VF-1S but the YF-19 looks decent so I might get it. I'll wait for some better pics before I decide. *EDIT* These will be limited editions won't they?
  10. You could just start a new thread for the 25th anniversary toys.
  11. I wonder if they'll do Regults? Might be too simple.
  12. This has me a bit worried. I really really really hope it's not a 'monster of the week' kind of deal.
  13. A7, Macross Worlds Self Proclaimed Image Quotation Moderator.
  14. LOL! Gotta love his item despriction. A must for Macross collectors which are extremely rare. Looks like we're a dying breed.
  15. If Yamato ever do a YF-19 like this, I'll jump on it! Beautiful!
  16. Whe the hell would Yamato choose to use the old 1/60 VF-1 for their 25th anniversary release? To bad about the Wave SDF-1 not being the TV style though.
  17. I'm imagining the guy at Yamato, that chooses the colors for all their Macross releases, sitting behind his computer doing his newly acquired job which is choosing the right combination of pigments for the factory to use for their Valks. It's getting late and the sun is shining right into his monitor. The blinds were removed by his predesessor for some mysterious reason so he fiddles around with the settings to adjust for the brightness on his screen. After a couple of minutes he's finally content with the settings and look, his first project, Nora's SV-51, looks much better, in fact, it looks completely anime accurate! He quickly saves the file and sends it off to the prototyping department. Before going home he orders new blinds to be installed. After a couple of weeks there's a big meeting with all the executives. He sees the prototype for the first time and he realizes that he's made a big mistake in choosing the colors. He just got this gig and admitting his mistake would surely cost him his job. Yamato's executives have never seen Mac Zero so they don't know any better, so he decides to take the risk and keep quiet. As usual, the prototype is sent to a Macross enthusiast in Hong Kong who's widely known to be a Macross toy expert. The execs are confident that the toy is perfect and decide not to wait for the feedback that the HK expert might give them so they give the go ahead to start with the production of a couple thousand units. When production has started an email arrives from the Hong Kong expert stating that the colors are way off. What should they do? They can't stop production now and throw away half of their stock. They decide to blame it on Kawamori and tell the fans that this is actually the right color and that the colors as seen in the anime were not how The Hory Froating Head intended them to be. Colorchooserguy is fired and ordered to pack up his belongings and leave the building. He's desperate to keep his job and security his needed to remove him from the premesis. In the strugle that follows, the guy tries to hold on to anything he can and completely rips the blinds from the ceiling. After a couple of weeks a new guy is hired to choose the colors for Yamato's Macross products. His first job is to make the upcoming 1/60 YF-21 look completely anime accurate. One day it's getting late and the sun is shining right into his monitor...
  18. Well, it is armor so you can kind of expect it to look big and chunky. Get the 1/48 version, you will not be dissapointed. And if you haven't got it already, get Hikaru's VF-1J to go with it.
  19. I wish I knew how to do 3d stuff. Looks like fun.
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