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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Sure, anyone can join the PPMTCSG. BTW. looks like your enter key got stuck when you changed your sig.
  2. Only when he handles them really roughly.
  3. How did I miss this for a whole week? I'll download it as soon as I get home tonight.
  4. Thanks for the link David! I've allways been curious about the tampo printing process and how it's actually being done.
  5. Graham, don't wanna rush you or anything but how's the review coming along? Can't wait to read what your thoughts about the toy are and to see some transformation video porn. I love it when you handle them all rough and flip 'em around and rotate the parts and... and... I'll be in my bunk.
  6. Just forget about those tiny Aliens and Predators altogether and get... THIS! Hot Toys ED209! The biggest, baddest mech toy of them all! And yes, that's a 1/48 on the left.
  7. Too bad?! I wish they'd push the release back at least two months and let my wallet get it's breath back.
  8. I'm amazed with every new pic you post! All those tiny details really give a good sense of scale.
  9. LOL! Hey mr. March, are you paying attention? Looks like something you could use in the humour section of the M3.
  10. I hope it can remain standing with those tiny feet.
  11. Good point but I need to be sure that the correct colors will be used for the production units, cause I won't buy it if they don't get the colors right.
  12. The link you posted isn't working for me. Why won't HLJ put these up for pre-order damnit, I want that YF-19!
  13. That V-1S is starting to grow on me. Battroid looks really menacing with the 1S head.
  14. Nope, Graham already stated that Yamato will not make any more VF's in 1/48th scale. And they made the other Mac+ toys in 1/60 because that's the scale they used for every other of their VF's.
  15. Dante74

    2 seater 1/48s

    Can't wait to see some more pics and hear what Yamato have to say about it.
  16. Probably because it's the only mold they haven't used for a repaint yet.
  17. I've got a gamecube in a closet somewhere and a friend has my old Xbox. I guess I could do some side quests in the Windwaker, those are always fun. I got a regular 360 system with the standard HD (3 months old, very noisy disk drive, very loud ventilator, don't know what chipset it had or which production run it was from) and it was standing vertically next to my TV, which is plenty ventilated IMO. The first error from the ring of light was three flashing red leds (first third and fourth). After I unplugged the AV cable and put it in again I got the bottom right LED flashing red, after I removed the HD I got no LED's lighting up but instead I got a black screen with an error message saying I got error E71. The operator told me I got an internal hardware error, which I already figured.
  18. At $75 I'd buy a whole squadron!
  19. I was thinking, a VF-11 isn't much larger than a VF-1 is it? So it shouldn't be as expensive as Yamato's recent releases, unless... They package it with every possible accessory they can fit in the box like FAST packs, booster rockets, a display stand and maybe an X-9 ghost. So I guess we could expect an relatively cheap VF-11 or a VF-11 packed with tons of extra's Either option sound great to me.
  20. Well Yamato let Hasewage use the 25th anniversary designs for their latest kits, so I definitely think a Minmay Guard from Yamato is a possibility.
  21. My 360 just died on me! Last week it froze up a couple of times and tonight it lit up with three different versions of the ring of death. I just called the supportcentre and UPS will pick it up in a couple of days. I've only had it for three months and it'll be gone for three to four weeks and Mass Effect will be released soon and so will PGR4 and Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed WHAAAAAAAAA! I should have gone with the Wii when I had the chance damnit. I'll be in my bed crying my eyes out...
  22. It was originally a Hasegawa kit so it's non-canon.
  23. My SV-51 just shipped but here's something strange for ya. I pre-ordered the SV-51 as soon as it was offered which was, what, six months ago? I chose EMS for the shipping method, because with an item this valuable, I want to be able to track its voyage around the globe. Last month I ordered the Miyatake Design Works book and chose SAL shipping. To my surprise, HLJ combined the items and sent them out using SAL. This is the first time HLJ has combined a shipment with my orders and I appreciate them combining the orders, but I'm not sure I'm happy with their choice of shipping method. With SAL, the package might slip through customs undetected so it might turn out to be a little cheaper, but as I said, with a package this valuable I want to be able to track it. Let's hope it doesnt take six weeks to get here.
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