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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. I've been thinking about a MW Halo 3 tournament myself but I think it would be a little difficult for us non US based players unless it was sometime during the day in the weekend. So if you guys are planning to do a game sometime during the weekend let me know and I'll gladly join.
  2. But if you'd want Max to fight Milia in her Q-Rau it would need to be 1/60 which are getting harder to find these days.
  3. I got the Megahouse Perfect Piece Tachikoma yesterday and it looks as good as it does on the promo pics...BUT... The legs on this thing are loose! It can hardly remain standing. The weight of the cockpit makes the Tachikoma too heavy to support it's own weight on with the back legs making it lean back with its arms up in the air. Normally I hate it when the screws are visible on a toy but in this case it would've been nice to be able to open it up and makes the joints a little tighter. Maybe I should've gone with the Goodsmile version but it seemed a little expensive.
  4. You forgot to ad that he's also a Dark Lord of the Sith know as Darth Maharg.
  5. The same goes for mine so I pre-ordered as well.
  6. It is? I thought it was EXO's fault. I've had some trouble loading the forums at work a couple of weeks ago, but it's fine now.
  7. I'll refrain from pre-ordering untill we've got confirmation that they got the colors right.
  8. Why a big ol' robot would need a flight helmet is beyond me but that it sure looks good so who cares right? I'm glad I got the Ingram and the type Zero. These'll look neat next to them.
  9. Don't forget about the Reactive Armor!!1
  10. That is good news indeed! Hey Graham, is there a Yamato employee on a plane back to Japan right now wishing he hadn't let himself get as drunk as he did?
  11. I hope I can squeeze one more question in before the G-Man is off to the pub with the people from yamato. Is the development of the 1/60 YF-21 still on track for a 1st Q 2008 release? The lack of news/pics has me worried that Yamato might have run into some trouble with the prototype or something.
  12. Don't know if this link has been posted before. Lots of Revoltech pics on Danny Choo's site from his wonderfest summer 2007 coverage. (Helldiver etc.)
  13. Another vote for Yamato's 1/48 VF-1S Roy with the Strike packs.
  14. Looks very promissing so far Jason! I love the amount of detail this VF-1A has.
  15. Graham, Could you please ask them about the BGC Motoslave? We haven't heard anything about that in a couple of months.
  16. That means Yamato's CF SV-51 would need partially new molds...
  17. Toy-Wave has a whole sale section so they might be able to help you out.
  18. Do they have any job openings for a Dutch civil engineer with years of CAD experience, that doesn't speak a word of Japanese, lives in Holland but has no problem with the long commute to the office? Also, I'd like to know about the Reactive Armor and the VF-11. Not if but when they'll be released?
  19. Here you go. hmmm, looks like the one you posted is new isn't it?!. Wait, there's more?!
  20. Just found these little movies online. Working scaled Tachikoma link 1 and link 2
  21. So what are the major differences between the Mega House Tachikoma and the one from Goodsmile apart from the use of diecast? The only difference I noticed is the price which is insane for the Goodsmile AFAIC.
  22. We have to wait again? I thought you were going to make this comic to give us something to enjoy while we're waiting for Macross F? LOL!
  23. Dante74

    Graham's Sig

    LOL! He might be telling us what he had for dinner two weeks ago.
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