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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Thanks! He was a fellow Dutchmen so maybe he's an ancestor I never knew about.
  2. I find that if I don't play for a couple of days I get rusty and loose even more games.
  3. And a couple more Yamato 1/60 YF-19 More 1/48's Yamato 1/60 SV-51 More 1/60's PG Strike Rouge PG Zero Custom And my pride and Joy. Hot Toys ED-209
  4. A couple more pics. Revoltech Patlabor Wave SDF-1 Yamato 1/48 VF-1s Strike
  5. It's a pre-assembled model with some die-cast. The old version is pretty hard to find as they sold out very fast. The new "movie color" version is due out in january.
  6. Here's a non European site selling them. The LEDs stick just fine. They won't come off by themselves.
  7. Anyone know when Wonderfest is going to be held?
  8. I got my WAVE SDF from a member here a couple of months ago.
  9. There are two stands included int the package so in the other mode it'll be higher. In my case the LED is about 30 cm above the toy. I pre-ordered the new "movie color" version and I'll pose it in battle mode next to this one. Can't wait.
  10. Finally got my Dot It LED's. This is the only pic that was remotly post worthy after my little photoshoot. I'll have to redoe the other pics with a little more light someday. I need to get an SLR .
  11. 42 pages of posts about one, I'll repeat that, ONE CAD drawing. I think we have a new MW record.
  12. Using a Sakura pen gives you quite thick panel lines that look great in pics, but just a little too thick in real life. I know from experience.
  13. Good thing we don't get earthquakes over here but in case of an emergency, I'd get my Hot Toys ED-209 just because it's the most expensive one I've got.
  14. No big ass gun? Check this. It might be a man doll but it sure looks "kewl", and look at all those bad ass weapons, that's not girly is it? I'm slowly getting in touch with my feminin side...
  15. Megahouse Perfect Piece JMSDF Type 303 Armsuit. http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/plamod20...C_5359.jpg.html MegaHouse Perfect Piece JGSDF Armsuit http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/plamod20...C_5363.jpg.html
  16. Damn, those look nice. Good thing I promised myself I would never get any "man dolls" no matter how much they looked like a mech. Now lets hope I don't talk myself out of that promise cause these are tempting. *SLAP!* Be strong Dante, don't do it you hear me?! Yeah, I used to suffer from MDP. Thankfully we're feeling much better now.
  17. First off, about that Lambo remark; Blasphemy! Where's my ptichfork?! About the PGR4 demo; I couldn't agree more. I played PGR3 extensively and really enjoyed the handling of the cars but this demo is like it's a game from a totally different developer.
  18. The Ghost doesn't have any legs to detach as it's a non transforming "accessory" for the VF-0 line of toys. All of the recent 1/60 (VF-0, YF-19, SV-51) toys are perfect transformation VF's meaning you don't have to detach the legs to transform it, unlike the 1/60 VF-1.
  19. I'm pretty sure there's already one of those threads around, I'm just too lazy to do a search.
  20. Vf-.. (fill in blank) in at least 1/60 scale I`d buy one in a heart beat. Yeah, I'm a total fanboy.
  21. Ooooh, looks like the new series is closer than we thought! Thanks for the screenshots Kresphy!
  22. Surprises hey? Are those Macross or non-Macross surprises?
  23. Is there a reason for the lack of info and/or pics? I'm really starting to think that Yamato is having difficulties developing the YF-21 toy.
  24. Shouldn't this be in the "Where to buy" section?
  25. It's about 7 hours so i'd have to get up real early or go to sleep real late in order to play with some of you. I read this thread occasionally so if you guys are planning an online Halo 3 session, I'll just have to see if I can join in the fun.
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