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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. All I've got is this close-up of her 'eye'. Hope it helps.
  2. So they replaced the plastic hair with 'real' plastic hair? Can't say I like it better.
  3. Painting a jet in Camoflage makes sense and all, but could someone tell me why they painted the whole noes area white? It probably has something to do with the radar that's inside, but a certain color of paint doesn't interfere with radar does it?
  4. So if we're not getting a VF-11B after the YF-21, maybe the prophecy will come true after all and we'll see a Mac Zero toy next? Please let it be a Reactive Armor please please please?!?!
  5. I'll wait for prototype pics before deciding if I want these.
  6. ...plus it'll keep you busy the longest so you can save up to buy the others.
  7. Remember guys that a "small" 1/60 VF-11B might be considerably cheaper than Yamato's latest releases.
  8. Same here. I only got the FAST pack version of the YF-19 because I wanted to make certain that I'd get a second release with all the fixes. I was planning to follow the same strategy with the YF-21.
  9. "Mint In Sealed Box" doesn't exist when it comes to Yamato's because they don't come sealed from the factory. That means that you can take it out, display it and put it back the way it was if you don't put any of the stickers on. Go ahead and enjoy in the way it was meant to be enjoyed.
  10. Woohoo! Swoosh is back with his VF porny pics! Keep 'm coming Swoosh
  11. They did the Mac+ line in one uniform scale before, why would they do the YF-19 and 21 in 1/60 and the VF-11 in another scale this time around? It doesn't make sense. Even if they play around with the scale a little, it'll say 1/60 on the box because it makes for a uniform product line. Graham must have been reffering to the Armor in mr. March's post when he poster his reply. Right Graham?...
  12. I've got three 1/48 VF-1's. The only way I'd buy another is if Yamato were to release a Minmay Guard version. (or two-seaters, but we all know that's not gonna happen) I've got three 1/60 VF-1's. The only way I'd buy a couple more is if Yamato were to release them with PT and that would make the old 1/60's sub-par so I'd have to sell those.
  13. Waddaya mean "1/60, Ithink not" The CAD pic shown isn't a 1/60, or Yamato won't be doing the VF-11B in 1/60? Please tell me they'll be scale consistant with the VF-11B, please please please..
  14. Same here, looks like I'll be pre-ordering as well.
  15. So that's what SMS means! Sun Micro Systems! Weird sponsor for an anime.
  16. Hmmm, you're right. Okay, now I'm confused... What could SWS or SMS mean?
  17. Graham, can you confirm that the tailfins will be able to fold outwards a bit more in fighter mode than they are in the pics? And a big thanks for the pics!
  18. With the YF-21 released in march, I think april won't be a release date for the VF-11B. We would have seen CAD pics by now if it were. Personally, I think we'll see it around october or november of 2008, which is fine by me as it gives me time to save up enough cash. I'm goona need at least three of these, but probably not at it's first release.
  19. I only played the second podcast and stopped listening when he said he is just about the greatest combat aviation expert in the world and he called the F-35 a JFS and the Eurofighter a Euro 2000 and that the F-14 can beat any of them hands down. Let me just quote the famous words of B.A. Baracus "a pitty the fooool!"
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