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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Looks like you found a good use for the foldildo stand.
  2. If the series turns out to be succesfull, I'm sure a game will be produced, but that doesn't mean Yamato will be ably to get the license. I think Bandai will still have first dibbs on it.
  3. Wow, Isamu needs to lose some weight.
  4. It seems there are two versions of the tv special, this one has IAD's RC SV-51 in it and they also show these prototypes. Fast forward to 25.00. Link to stage 6
  5. I'm not sure if I will get these if the turn out to be toys. I really want my stuff to be the same scale as my other Valks. Notice how the girl is trying to get our attention in the fourth pic? We're not looking at you b!tch, we're geeks, we're afraid of women and there's a mecha toy in the shot so whatever you do, we won't look at ya, with your hot lips and your big boobs and your beautiful eyes and...and...I'll be in my bunk.
  6. Looks like either the gluesniffers or us toy boys are getting some cool new stuff to play with!
  7. I'll take a screenshot and edit my post. :::EDIT::: previous post updated.
  8. Did anyone, who saw the new longer version of the TV special, get what model/toy prototype's they were discussing? Looks pretty small to me so they're probably not 1/60th scale meaning not made by Yamato. The link to the extended TV special can be found in IAD's YF-19 and SV-51 for radio control thread. :::EDIT::: Screenshots of the VF-25 models/toys added and link to TV special removed. What's the girl doing back there?
  9. I'll do some comparison pics when I get mine.
  10. This pic makes it look like it's been rusting away in a barn for 30 years. Might I suggest you remove the stripe across the chest or paint it red or white? The dark grey looks a bit out of place now.
  11. you should watch the whole series, it's great.
  12. Great job you did there, very gritty.
  13. They made an entire anime for that album? I loved that video!
  14. I bought the batteries and watched the pretty lights once and never again. You could say the foldildo gave me a bit of an anticlimax and left me very unsatisfied.
  15. So you knew about the problems but you bought it anyway and you blame Yamato? That makes no sense at all. Actually, the noob does not have a point. He mistransformed. As far as we know there's nothing wrong with the toy.
  16. Yeah, what he said! That's what I meant to say too. psst, hey eugimon, you just live for this kind of stuff don't you. lol.
  17. Welcome VF-25 Angelus. You might want to remove the image from your sig, only text sigs are allowed here.
  18. This isn't a case of poor QC. He just mistransformed it and immediatly post all kinds of insults towards Graham. Very uncalled for IMO.
  19. Told ya you can do it! Thanks, this proves we're not crazy. :::EDIT::: I think we need some apologies here people.
  20. Hey wicked ace, I had allready cleared my browsing history and temporary internet files etc. so the pic wasn't on my harddrive anymore, but every pic we see on a website gets stored on our system right? Maybe you could do a search on your hard drive for the pic. Maybe someone here could even tell you where to look. I don't have a clue where it could be but it should be there.
  21. LOL! It's good thing we don't have any Inuit members cause they'd be all over you by now.
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