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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Anyone wanna bet it's going to be a limited edition? I might have to get two.
  2. Dante74

    Macross Revoltech

    Wasn't Kayodo going to stop making Macross Revoltechs because they couldn't sell them internationaly?
  3. Same here. Damn SAL shipping, don't know when it'll finally arrive...
  4. I did a little research. A good 22'' screen will set me back about 300 to 350 euro.
  5. Electronics are a lot more expensive here in the Netherlands compared to the States. Usually for a dollar priced product I'll need to scratch the dollar sign and replace it with a euro sign, and remember, ONE euro is about 1,50 dollars. That means that if you pay 300 dollars for a video card, I'll pay 300 euro's which is about 450 dollars for the same product.
  6. 2000 is my absolute maximum budget, I'd rather spend around 1500. Besides, I want to do 3d modelling and rendering on this thing and I want to be set for the next 3 to 4 years.
  7. A laptop that can do decent 3D modelling is way beyond my bugdet if they even exist, so it'll have to be a desktop.
  8. seconded! I'll even throw in a "pleasepleasepleaseplease can we keep him mom?"
  9. Hi guys, I would like to start doing some 3D modelling and my current HP laptop just doesn't cut it anymore, so have you guys got any advise on what kind of PC I could get for around $1500? A 22"widescreen monitor would need to be included into budget. :::EDIT::: The budget could be stretched to $2000 but that's about it.
  10. Very dramatic, great job! Here's another one.
  11. Great work once again Kurt! Yamato, please take notes.
  12. I might have said this before, but I LOVE the weathering you did for on this. Beautiful custom!!1
  13. It was my pleasure, I thoroughly enjoyed working with you. We're not done yet though, I still see some things that could use some fine tuning. I'll PM ya later.
  14. Works fine for me. Great work on the M3 v2.0 there mr. March! Looking forward to seeing all the new stuff you've done wen I get home tonight. Shouldn't the "main page" button in the navigation bar link to the index page instead of the splash page?
  15. funny you should ask... PM me if you're interrested, I believe you might already have seen some of my work.
  16. I might display the old version in cruiser mode and the movie version in battle mode, but I might just sell the old version. Haven't made up my mind yet.
  17. I'd actually consider flying across the atlantic just for that.
  18. Great job on the weathering there wicked ace! Looks very realistic.
  19. Thanks for the pics Charger69! Ís this the same scale as the Garland toys? If it is, I'll have to get one of these, but only after someone's done a proper review cause it looks really really really fragile.
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