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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. ...and real intake covers that don't need to be removed to go to fighter mode?
  2. I mostly stumble when I'm on my way home.
  3. I'm not getting my hopes up untill I get some official confirmation. But I AM hoping it'll happen.
  4. You're probably right, which is why I'll pass for this one. Just looks too cheap.
  5. The gaps between the FAST packs and the YF-21 don't bother me one bit. The FAST packs are fulgly and make the fighter mode look less sleek, so I won't be using them anyway.
  6. Fold booster; not included mounting parts for fold booster in matching color; included. IIRC...
  7. Top Gear video of the Ford Mustang vs a horse.
  8. Miriya, I envy you for being brave enough to get a set of these. I realy wish I had the skills to assemble a kit like this. Well, assembling wouldn't be the problem actually, it's the painting I'm worried about.
  9. There's a second edition Angel birds Valk? I didn't think it sold that well, why would they release a second edition?
  10. It'd be worse if they caught you drooling over a Zone of the Enders pic. co-worker: "Hey, why does that robot have a big giant penis?" jardann: "It's not a penis, it's a cockpit,... shees" co-worker: "huhu, you said cockpit, huhu"
  11. Welcome back Bmaximum. Wow! That's a huge collection you've got, but it looks like you've got some catching up to do with the Yamato Valks.
  12. If Yamato can tampo print all these little marking on this "Exclusive" VF-1, why didn't they do it on all the others? We've been buying Valks with crappy stickers for years now when we could and should have gotten fully tampoed ones.
  13. Thanks for the link IXTL! If they get around to doing EVA-04 I'll have to put my SOC up for sale.
  14. Macrossman is catching up fast, but I think sqidd holds the record for acquiring the most stuff in the shortest timespan. But like you said, it's not an armsrace, it's a hobby.
  15. I'd love to get this, but I'll be damned if I pay more than $200 + shipping+tax for it.
  16. I just saw it. If I was on that plane I would've sh!t my pants and screamed like a little baby for sure.
  17. Gawd, I wish I could attend WF someday.
  18. I recieved a PG kit from them once that was shipped in the same way, just bubble wrap and paper. You can choose to have them ship it in a box when you purchase from their website, but you have to pay extra for it.
  19. I just love the gloss finish on the blue! I really hope Yamato do this paintscheme so I can get another YF-19.
  20. As promised, here's a couple of pics of both of them in battle mode. After transforming the old one again, I gotta say, the new movie version is a big improvement over the old version when it comes to the tightness of the joints.
  21. You should go to Finland instead. I hear they actually have a shortage of men there and the girls are just as blond as the ones in Sweden. Also, what eugimon said, We demand pics!! PS. Oh, and thanks for the link to the youtube Blond chicks judo video.
  22. Right now I prefer the new "movie" version but that might just be because it's my latest toy purchase. I have to say though, that it also looks a little more "realistic" and less like a toy than the old one. I'll see If I can take some pics of both of them in battle mode tomorrow.
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