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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Sure makes it look easy...which it certainly isn't. Thanks for sharing!
  2. Dante74

    2 seater 1/48s

    What the hell are you doing here sharing these pics with your fellow Macross enthusiasts when you should be hard at work sculpting these marvels of toy engineering into works of perfection?! Slacker!!
  3. Dante74

    Macross Revoltech

    sidearmsalpha and Mr. March, I guess I'm a different kind of collector. I don't want one shelf full of different toys of Isamu's YF-19 and one shelf full of focker's VF-1 etc. I want one YF-19 and one Focker VF-1 and I want the best rendition of each with transformation at the very top of my list of priorities. If I were to own the old Yamato 1/72 YF-19 and 21, I would have sold them the moment the 1/60's were anounced.
  4. Dante74

    Macross Revoltech

    non-transforming toy of a transforming mecha = pass
  5. I have these, as I'm sure most of you do, but the one you showed is new to me too.
  6. Shouldn't the FAST packs on the YF-19 be grey?
  7. As long as their nosecone isn't showing I'm fine with it.
  8. For more info one both Ghost releases check this thread.
  9. Look at the detailing on that HUD, amazing!
  10. That's why I think that these aren't prototypes for the DX toy, but for the model kits or 1/100 non-transforming toys.
  11. Dante74

    Latest custom.

    My thoughts exactly! Yamato, eat your heart out.
  12. Install the Haali Media Splitter and Ffdshow. These make it possible for you to play the file with Windows Media Player. Runs silky smooth on my 2 year old laptop, better even than with VLC player.
  13. I actually think the red/black/white suits the VF-25 a lot better than it did the VF-1. I hope they release Alto's VF-25 first.
  14. I agree completely. Although a chaotic display packed full with toys is okay, it kind of seems like a bunch of toys all fighting for the viewers attention. I preffer one or two toys per shelf myself, nice and clean looking. BTW: There is logic to Davids position on the piazza in Florence in front of the Palazzo Vecchio. He's actually looking out towards the Arno river waiting for Florences' enemies, ready to fight and defend the city. Great statue, great city.
  15. QFT, especially Ozma. Every time he appears, it looks like he's drawn by a blind retard with a big fat permanent marker.
  16. Thanks lechuck! I forwarded your sollution to our IT department and I'll let them decide wether they want to try it or not. I've requested a 64-bit OS for my workstation, but I'm pretty sure I won't get it. (too much hassle for the IT guys)
  17. Amazing collection! Oow someone already said that, uuuuuuuhm... OMFG!! Nope, that one's taken too, Woah! ...and that one, let me see... Aaaahw sh!t!, that one's taken too? No wait, that's it. Aaaahw sh!t, why isn't all that stuff mine!?
  18. Anyone know what DX stands for?
  19. The only thing I can do now is ask the IT department really nicely to get me a "custom" machine with a 64-bit OS and some extra RAM. Or I could be less ambitious with my Photoshop projects and try to make my files smaller,... NOT! Thanks anyway guys!
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