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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Still not interesting enough to post in this thread though is it? Yawn!
  2. Here's a comparison pic for ya. the SV-51 is even bigger than the YF-21. Back to the YF-21.
  3. I preffered the gloss finish on the prototype we saw a couple of months ago, but hot diggity damn it looks sleek!
  4. According to the Collection DX review, the Factory Garland should have the improved shoulder material. Thank gawd!
  5. I love my Protogarland and I've got the Facory color Garland on the way. The Factory Color Garland is fine right? No breakages issues on the shoulder?
  6. Looks like she's a bit cold. She could put an eye out with those.
  7. Thanks, glad ya like it. I noticed the screencap in the episode 8 thread and I couldn't resist.
  8. I wonder how many of us will break their 1/60 VF-1 upon first transformation because we think we can transform it wthout reading the manual first?...
  9. You got me there with the topic title for a moment! Very funny comic! When can we expect part two?
  10. It looks foocking amazing. Those are some HOT looking legs ya got there schweetheart!
  11. After the VF-0S and YF-19 came the Ivanov SV-51 which was nearly free of QC issues and the Nora SV-51 and CF SV-51 which were completely free of QC issues. I feel confident that, after hiring a new QC manager, Yamato has got their game together a lot better than they did a year ago. Please Yamato, don't let me down!
  12. Wow, this update is a lot bigger than I expected, great job March! I like how you referenced the background color for the MII section on the link button of the index page, great idea.
  13. Does her dancing involve a pole? And if it does, could you post a video in the "Strike a pose" thread?
  14. Finally! *crosses fingers for YF-21 without QC issues*
  15. I broke down and pre-ordered. Battroid=WIN! If this turns out to be as good as Graham says it is, my 1/48 Roy/Strike packs will become obsolete and have to be sold.
  16. Looks better than in the other pic, but it still looks like it lost that "sleek" feel that the anime version has. Arent the wings a little small?
  17. That's just beautiful man, sheer poetry. The quote of the fncking century! You mind if I use that in my sig?
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