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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. The YF-19 is easy to transform compared to the YF-21. At one point the 21 "broke" into two pieces, just like the 19 will do when not held properly during transformation. I don't have pics to show where it came apart and it's very easy to put back together, but I did $hit my pants when it happened. You do have to, kind of, break it's neck when going to battroid mode, but it's much easier and less scary than on the 19. That doesn't mean that it's less tight though. It's done in a completely different fashion. Because of the small feet, it isn't as stable as the 19 in battroid mode, but the fact that it can remain standing with all that weight on it's back is a testiment to Yamato's enginuity. When in battroid mode, the chest/cockpit can pivot up and down a bit because it isn't really locked down tightly. It's locked, just not very well. It's not like the 19 though, where it'll just come apart when you hold it upside down. The cowl can be pushed down slightly untill you hear a soft click, which prevents it from coming apart when held upside down. It has ratchet joint on it's ankles, knees and elbows. Once put together porperly, the gunpod will be held very tightly and the wrist doesn't cause the gunpod to be pushed to the side like on other VF toys. The legs and arms will NOT come off easily for delimited mode. I tried to take the legs off to make the transformation to gerwalk a little easier, but they wouldn't. The seat can rotate backwards and the cockpit can open in battroid mode exposing Guld. It's not as simple as on the VF-0 and I haven't figured out how to do it yet, but it says so in the manual.
  2. Here's some terrible pics. Took me the beter part of an hour to transform it into gerwalk and then battroid. mostly because I like to be very very VERY carefull when transforming a toy for the first time. I'll try to get some better pics done this weekend inlcuding some comparison pics with valks other than the YF-19. Let me just say again, this thing is tight, especially fightermode. Now, on to the next Valk. Yamato, where's my VF-11!?! I think I'll get myself a beer, see ya!
  3. Transforming seems a bit harder than I anticipated. I wish I had four hands. Pics will take a bit longer.
  4. Remember my post from Yesterday about how my 21 had shipped from HLJ but I was still waiting to get a shipping notice with an EMS tracking number? Well, I had also ordered a factory colored Garland and had them ship it by SAL. Upon coming home from work today, I found a note on my doorstep from the mail delivery guy saying that he had tried to deliver a package and had given it to my neighbors. The fact that it was delivered to my neighbor instead of taken back to the post office meant that I didn't have to pay any taxes, which usually means that it's a SAL that package got through customs without me having to pay 20% tax upon delivery. So I pick up the package from my neighbor, go home open it up and, low and behold,.. a YF friggin' 21 looks up at me! This mutherfocker was released TWO DAYS AGO and I'm already holding it in my hands! :D :D :D :D I'll take some pics in about half an hour and pose it next to the YF-19. The booklet is thick so I'm expecting a very complex transformation. oh, and I have another complaint for the Yamato bitching list. The 21 sits very tightly in the plastic tray, I almost had to break it to get it out. BTW. I just checked my mail, still no shipping notice from HLJ. I'm off to transform it, see ya's in an hour. :::EDIT::: Fighter mode is tight like a nervous virgin!
  5. Nearly 100 bucks?! Way too much for a non transforming toy. I'll wait 'till it goes on sale somewhere.
  6. I know I know! The toy doesn't actually go Mach 2. DIE YAMATO DIE!!!11
  7. I have a feelling this thread is going to be closed down if we don't come up with some fanart soon. Anyone have a pic of a girl with some big 'uns and glasses that could pass for Nanase?
  8. hmmm, HLJ said my 21 shipped yesterday morning and that I would get a shipping notice with tracking info shortly, but it's been over 24 hours now and still nothing. I'm starting to get worried.
  9. So it's able to remain standing easily? With all that weight up so high, I didn't expect that.
  10. meh, he just wants us to stay in this thread hitting the F5 button for the next couple of hours. It's what they call a cliffhanger in the world of daytime soaps, with this being "As the Macross World turns"
  11. What? Discussing what color panties an anime character is wearing and bitching about toys isn't mature enough for you?
  12. aesthetics improved manouverability, just like the F-16 has?
  13. Why aren't there as much pics of sweet Nanase online as there are for that weird 'n scary Klan Klan. She's a schoolgirl with a couple of big'uns wearing a uniform. You'd expect the Japanese fans/artists to be all over that.
  14. Six posts in less than ten minutes! That's a record even for you Ryno! If you click the "quote" button for every post you want to respond to and than click "add reply", instead of replying to every single post, it'll much easier for us to read.
  15. You'd have to make it into a mouse-over though.
  16. Actually, a member has a spinning SMS logo as his avatar, don't remember who though, sorry.
  17. So, I guess you're making boinger president of B.O.I.N.G. right?
  18. Nerdcore? Is that like, hardcore for/by nerds?
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