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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. *right click, save image as...* *right click, save image as...* *right click, save image as* Thanks a bunch for posting those!
  2. Now, if only Yamato would make the dwg files available.
  3. If you include some boobies in that drawing, sure! Looks great so far. :::EDIT::: No need to quote pics Dante. :::EDIT2::: Wow, I just moderated myself, I feel so dirty.
  4. Damn, there's one right there! Go away! Shoo! Get out of here!
  5. The stand that comes with the toy is the same as the one that came with the SV-51, but it's made of semi-clear plastic.
  6. So, how do we keep the perverted Klan Klan Clan thread fugitives from immigrating to our clean 'n wholesome thread of B.O.I.N.G.? Quick, someone start a MF character image thread to divert their attention!
  7. They don't move, the whole lower arms is pushed up exposing the guns.
  8. LOL!!! That would make for a nice avatar if I didn't have one featuring Nanase already. To get this thread kinda back on topic, I'd love to get a hold of Yamato's CAD files for the weathered VF-1S.
  9. It's draftsman for you Amercans and it's draughtsman for the English, and me being from neither of those two countries, can choose which ever the hell I want. And yes, wicked Ace is a draughtsman even if he is from the states, but for him, it doesnt have anything to do with drafting. ::EDIT::: Here's a wiki link for ya'll
  10. Go to an art supplie shop and get a Sakura pigment pen at 0.5 or 0.2 mm. Smudges won't be as easy to clean off as with a gundam marker though.
  11. Finally got it back into figther mode with everything fitting into the fuselage. The knees have to be postioned exactle right for it to fit. Thanks swoosh! Here's some more pics.
  12. hmmm. I guess I'll have to start over and check that, thanks.
  13. That's because you have it misstransformed. The back part needs to be pushed forward. after doing that you can lock the parts that hold the FAST pack on a little peg on the side of the engines. I'v been trying to get mine back into fighter mode for over an hour now but I just can't seem to fit everything into the fuselage.
  14. I'm trying to tranform mine back into fighter mode, but I can't get the engine part back down. Am I missing a peg that needs to be unstuck?
  15. No need for me to take any more pics now. Thanks for those beautiful pictures swoosh!
  16. You're a draughtsman right? You should know about these things.
  17. Yes it can. The ratcheted elbow joints are so tight that I wouldn't be surprised if it can hold up a bottle of Heineken. The lower arms need to be pushed towards the elbow to expose the wrist guns. If you don't do that, you can even bend the elbow a little beyond 90 degrees, but not much and it does expose the elbow joint.
  18. The new VF-1 v2.0 is less expensive than the earlier 1/60 Valks because it's much smaller. The YF-19, YF-21 and VF-0 are much larger mecha than the VF-1. The SV-51 is even twice as long in fighter mode. :::EDIT::: The tiny red Valk is an old Yamato 1/60 VF-1J with FAST packs.
  19. All of Yamato's VF toys since the 1/48 feature perfect transformation. 1/48 VF-1 1/60 YF-19 1/60 VF-0 1/60 SV-51 1/60 YF-21 (released three days ago) 1/60 VF-1 v2.0 (The old 1/60 VF-1's weren't PT)
  20. You should be killed for re-posting that! Seriously, look two pages back.
  21. Dante74

    Latest custom.

  22. Don't on a VF-11B, waiting for Yamato to release a proper 1/60 version. I'll post comparison pics with all my other Valks tomorrow, too busy today.
  23. Sure will, but you'll have to wait untill sunday though, too busy. I just picked it up be the nose/grotch and it stayed together nicely. I only transformed it once so it might be too early to tell, but this might be Yamato's tightest, most robust 1/60 to date. It doesn't come apart when held upside down like the 19 and it isn't as fragile as the 51. Did I mention how tight it is in fighter mode?
  24. Be silent you hiethen! Eternal damnation will await you in boobie hell!
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