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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Dante74

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    Wishful thinking.
  2. So, if the VF-1S has QC issues, they won't be fixed for the VF-1A will they?
  3. A VF-1A with Strike cannon? I thought only "'S" model VF's got Strike cannons. Shouldn't it be standard issue FAST packs?
  4. I always invert the Y-axis on every game I play because I got used to it while playing flight sims.
  5. Dunno, but his varatech skills are unbelievable. Whatever that may be.
  6. Another one for Nanase! BOo8!3s FTW!!1
  7. Dante74


    What he said. It's been rumored that there'll be an Ivanov re-issue, can't remember where I read it though.
  8. On second thought, it would be kinda hard to keep up with all the double threads. Thread of B.O.I.N.G. on the normal forums and a thread of B.O.I.N.G. XXX edition on the VIP forums. Too confusing.
  9. So an invite only VIP section like on AP isn't an option for MW?
  10. I don't think Yamato is to blame for it YF-21 not being as stable as other VF toys. The feet were designed by Kawamori to look small and they need to fit in the fuselage.
  11. Sure have, but the hot or not thread has a sort of amateur fibe to it that I can really appreciate.
  12. Yeah but you first need to get over 200 posts and ask if you can join, right? Doesn't matter anyway, I mostly lurk on AP and check the hot or not thread.(best thread on the interweb)
  13. Seconded! I love the VA-3's fighter mode.
  14. What's pictured on Klan Klan's undies anyway? (on Michael's head)
  15. Yup the rim is made out of two seperate pieces. They're held together by two screws and the tire. One of the rims was placed 180 degrees off meaning only one of the hip pegs could be inserted into the hole in the rim. Already fixed it so no pics, sorry.
  16. That guy handling the toy must be some sort of giant, toy looks tiny.
  17. Got my Factory colored Garland yesterday. When I tried to transform it, I found the holes in the rear wheel the be miss-aligned making it impossible to get the hip-pegs into place. I had to take the whole rear end of the damn thing apart to get the wheel out and re-align the holes on the wheel. Other than that little F up, the toy is fine and is standing next to my Protogarland looking snazzy. I'll post pics when I have time.
  18. Lol! Maybe we could relocate the site to a server in Amsterdam.
  19. I suggest that anyone who wants to share a pic/link they're not sure about, clear it with a mod first before they get this thread closed. However, that would mean that the mods will get to see all the good stuff, while we the people have to make do with all the boring stuff. I wish I was a mod...NOT!
  20. Just saw the pic and as an official representative of B.O.I.N.G. and 3rd executive board member of B.O.I.N.G. H.E.R. H.A.R.D. I hereby declare the picture decent and wholesome. Now, mods, can he please post it and share it with fellow fans?
  21. Sure is, and it's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it!
  22. IIRC Graham said that Yamato lost the rights to produce VF-X toys.
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