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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. So, you coming to my hometown Assen for the MotoGP next week then?
  2. Aah finally! I need multiples of the VF-11 so it's back the to noodle diet for me.
  3. Goddamn! That's a great collection of customs! I wonder if Kicker will be able to beat it. Get it? Kicker, beat it? ... nevermind.
  4. Dante74

    The BEST valk?

    I'm hoping Yamato will release a toy version of the Reactive Armor as well. In fact, I started a whole Wishful Thinking Theadâ„¢ for it.
  5. Dante74

    The BEST valk?

    That's Total Toy Chaos, RuskiiVFaussie Style. The third pic is of Millia's Q-Rau. An non transforming enemy mecha.
  6. Dante74

    The BEST valk?

    If you like the design of the VF-0, go with the VF-0S with Ghost instead of the VF-0A with ghost. No QC issues on the VF-0S which the Shin's VF-0A with Ghost might have.
  7. Depends on what features will be included with the Fast packs I guess. I really don't think we'll get the fully armored Ozma Valk that cheap though.
  8. Dante74

    The Big Escape

    Great custom mr. Bundy, but I'm missing the shoes.
  9. Thery're/it's from New Zealand? Looks like the guys from Flight of the Conchords are out of a job.
  10. Dante74

    The BEST valk?

    Never been asked before. LOL! That's funny! Anyway, on to bussines. If you don't want to wait for the 1/60 VF-1 which is due to be released later this month, I'd say go with any 1/48 VF-1 release and get some FAST/strike packs to go with it. You can not go wrong with the 1/48's. It's big, it's PT (Perfect Transformation), it's sturdy, it's iconic, it's everything you want in a valk.
  11. Finally a reason to dig up the old PSP again! I hope the battery still works.
  12. Looks like the GNU's are a great platform for customizing jobs, but concerning the improved poseability; [boB MODE] Why should we do Yamato's job for them[/boB MODE]
  13. Don't forget about opening maintenance hatches with inner details and a rbbotic looking skeleton like on the PG kits.
  14. So Wolfx got banned. What I'd like to know is, why wait three weeks to do it and then give no explanation whatsoever to the community? The guy f*c*ed up and posted a pic he shouldn't have. The thread was closed and the pic was deleted (I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure it was) Everybody was warned not to EVER post pics or links to material like that EVER again. Wolfx sincerely appologised and promised to never do it again. a couple of weeks go by, everyone settles down and things go back to normal and all of a sudden he's banned! Why?! MW community-->
  15. Dante74

    Macross Revoltech

    Great pics ikhii! Love the pose where Hikari climbs the Regult to finish it off. You almost persuaded me to get a couple of the Revy's there. Almost.
  16. The search function is your friend. (sort of) WB gets the rights to LIVE. ACTION. ROBOTECH?!?!?
  17. Unless a Nanase cosplayer is filling out the shirt she's wearing she shouldn't bother. I you're not gonna do it right, then don't do it at all. Me....want...boobies! Before anyone asks, yes I was breastfed.
  18. I know this sounds weird, but that Mikhail in the black outfit looks so hot!
  19. Usually a june release means the end of june or the beginning of july.
  20. Nanase looks ok, but somethings missing, so I declare this one busted.
  21. Don't get the Mega Hose version. I got one about a year ago and it's a major dissapointment. The sculpt is ok and the metallic paint look nice, but what good is that when it can't even stand up straight? The joints are so loose that it can't even remain standing.
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