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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. Really!? I'm so gonna build a squadron! + Cheap! + Gunpod isn't huge like on the GNU + Bajonet can retract/extend + Removable cockpit. + FAST packs included (Not that I like the FAST pack design for the VF-11, IMO they're fugly, but hey, they're free so who cares!) + Did I mention it's cheap? + Upper arms look beafier/sturdier than VF-0s - Tail fins too small - Stupid folding feet make it look like it's wearing slippers goddamnit! - Intakes too big in figther mode. I just know I missed a couple of points, help me out. ::EDIT:: 18.800?! Scratch that first remark.
  2. Except I don't want it to be 1/72, I want it to be 1/60 like my other Valks.
  3. Happy Anniversary Macross World!
  4. I guess I'll actually have to get some work done. The rest of this week, my boss loves you Shawn!
  5. +1 The 1/60 destroid looks great between them Valks.
  6. In the last couple of years I've noticed a shift (get it?) in Europe towards automatic and now ya'll Americans are going for stick, weird.
  7. Dante74

    VF-1A 3D WIP

    Check the last couple of pages of this thread. Jay's been working on this, on and off, for years, maybe you can get some pointers for the cockpit. Great model btw. I'm hoping I'll be able to do something like this in a couple of years.
  8. If it's gonna be huge as many predict, it'll probably be expensive as hell and shipping will cost an arm and a leg. This thing could be full of die-cast which would make it heavy too. I hope they don't give it the glossy treatment. I want it to look like WAVE's movie version of the SDF-1, not the first version.
  9. Would anyone care to translate the text in the pics for us? I noticed the VF-1 being mentioned in the third pic.
  10. I just caved in and ordered the OD. I figured with the weathered version not becoming available to us mere mortals, I might as well get a 'normal' one. I still think it's too expensive a for a non transforming toy though.
  11. Just checked the top fan. It's an out-take fan afterall. Only the big 20 cm fan is intake.
  12. If your current system can still handle games like COD4, I'd say it still is on par with today's mid-range PC's. I'd consider waiting another year and get a i7 based system when prices go down. i7 (or Nehalem) is Intell's latest processor which, supposedly, is a major step forward and it can take full advantage of DDR3 memory.
  13. You're right. I'll check as soon as I get home from work. @emajnthis: I think the daily comute would be a bit of a problem.
  14. Here's another pic of the insides of my system. More then enough cooling AFAIC. All fans run slow and quiet.
  15. The hard drive's are fine. They're in a seperate sort of cage which is being cooled by its own fan. The system drive is a 150 Gb Raptor. It's a 2,5" drive which is put in an enclosure for added cooling which also brings down the noise it produces. Link to Cosmos S case. Link to HDD enclosure
  16. Really? I'll go get some Tie-wrap then. Thank for the advice!
  17. Thanks guys! Actually, untill Duke brought it up, I didn't even know there was such a thing as 'cable management'. In fact, the company I bought the system from put it together for me. I tend not to look at the insides of my computer, I look at the screen mostly. BTW: For those of you that do 3D work, get one of these. You'll never have to look at a 'zoom extents' or "zoom orbit' button again. And it does wonders in Google Earth.
  18. You're only seeing a small portion of them too. Half the cables are hidden away behind behind the MB on the right side of the case.. Can't be helped though, 4 HDD's require a lot of cables. Maybe I'll try to tie them together a bit.
  19. 17 Yamato toys, nothing broken. *knocks on wood*
  20. You gotta love the legs though right? They're so Hasegawa-ish, much better then the 1/48's IMO.
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