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Everything posted by Dante74

  1. WOW! That thing looks so hot on that grey VF-0A! When will it be released? Anyone know this?
  2. I'm expecting mine to ship from HLJ today or tomorrow. I can't wait for it to get here!
  3. I can't wait to see this beauty in full color with lots of tampo printing, not stickers, tampo printing.
  4. Well, it seems to me that the battroid can keep itself in the air just fine (from what I've seen in the anime). All the Ghost would do it propell it to speeds the battroid can't handle anyway. Remember a VF can't transform to battroid once it surpasses a certain airspeed.
  5. Tell me about it. Mine owns more purses then Paris Hilton! (about 70) I'm just glad they're not all Gucci's, LV's etc. (LV doesn't mean Low Vis in the Fashion world)
  6. They WILL make a Ghost booster. a Yamato rep told a MW member. It's in the 2nd coming thread on the last couple of pages somewhere I do hope they release the Ghost together with a Shin VF-0A. That would just be perfect.
  7. Dante74

    2 seater 1/48s

    Ok. Well I think Yamato is a little too busy working on the 1/60 line to worry about 2 seater 1/48's right now. By the time they've produced a complete 1/60 Macross+ and Macross Zero line people will have lost interest in the Macross francise and everybody will move on to other things. BTW: I would buy any 1/48 two seater they might produce,just don't think it'll happen.
  8. My Girlfriend doesn't understand why I need a fourth 1/48. (Angelbirds) They all look the same to her.
  9. I'd like a Shin VF-0A too, but don't you think that Yamato would release a Shin VF-0A before a CF VF-0A if they were able too?
  10. Dante74

    2 seater 1/48s

    There he is! Run Forest, RUN!!
  11. It might be able to hang on the back of the battroid, but I still think it would make the Ghost useless. Furthermore a toy version battroid with a Ghost attached would never able to remain standing.
  12. Graham, You've probably seen more pics from more angles then us. Do you think the YF-19 wil be a better looking (more detailed) toy then the VF-0? You stated in your review that the VF-0 is a step up from the 1/48 VF-1. Will this be another step up from the VF-0, or is it going to be on the same level of detail?
  13. That would give the Ghost one point of attachment, but the back part of the Ghost also needs an attachment point somewhere between the fins. edit: For the VF-0 with Ghost to transform to battroid, it require the Ghost to actually detach from the VF-0 and re-attach once the backpack of the VF-0 is in the right place. In the anime the Ghost's were autonomous right? I remember seeing some of them taking off from the carrier. And when Shin and Roy used them they were just for added speed on the VF-0 right? Then wouldn't a Ghost be completely useless while the VF-0 is in battroid mode if it stayed attached to the VF-0? Wouldn't it be more logical for the Ghost to detach from the VF-0 while in battroid mode to 'cover its back' flying around the VF-0 shooting down incoming enemies?
  14. That means that if the Ghost is attached at those points, the missilepods can't be attached at the same points. I'm really curious how Yamato will solve this problem. From what I can see in pics I found of Hasegawa models of the Ghost version of the VF-0, the Ghost attaches to the middle of the fighter's back and the missilepods attach to the tanks.
  15. Can't anyone find any more pics of the prototypes? I'd try to find some myself but I can't read one word of Japanese so searching Japanese sites is out of the question for me. Hundreds of people must have walked past the Yamato stand and only two people were able to take some pics?
  16. Wouldn't that require a new backplate for the VF-0? I think the VF-0 wouldn't be able to remain standing with a heavy Ghost attached. Maybe Yamato could also include some kind of stand to display the VF-0 as if it was in the air in battroid mode. That would be cool.
  17. Dante74

    2 seater 1/48s

    What was that?... Escape cockpit?... Damn, I need to put more funds in my paypall account fast... edit: watch out EXO might be watching...
  18. I'm affraid you're right. It's the only way to fit it between the fins. BTW: Someone mentioned that there was gonna be a problem with how the Ghost stayed attached in battroid mode. I think that the Ghost was never supposed to stay on in battroid mode. The VF-0 never appeared in battroid mode with a Ghost attached in the anime. Also those missile pods on the top would have to be dropped to transform.
  19. Now we know that the Ghost is coming I wonder how Yamato will solve the problem of attaching the missile pods on the top of the fuselage? Also the attached pic shows those conformal tanks, that where supposed to be removed to put the ghost on, still ON the fighter. Will Yamato provide extra tanks with the Ghost package that are able to hold the Ghost and missile pods? And what about those tail fins that spread out more to make room for the Ghost. pic found in model section of the main site (box art for Hasegawa kit)
  20. Those legs from the pic on the left would look real bad in fighter mode. It's all about compromise.
  21. It seems it can somehow transform from a fighter to a robot. What will they think of next?
  22. Dante74


    Wow. Nice job! Whoever did it.
  23. If the HFH won't let Yamato produce a blue Shin VF-0A then I'll have to get another CF VF-0A for the Ghost booster. Or will it be released as a package with a VF-0? That would be great!
  24. OMG OMG OMG!! I work on my mancave for a day and these pop up? That's so puuurty. The wings look big enough. Battroid looks totally awesome. I'ts colse to perfect. Even the gerwalk mode looks cool. I might have to get three now, damnit!
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