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Everything posted by sjr

  1. Last year's 00 Raiser Trans Am was ¥27.5k retail, ¥50k+ resale. From what I recall, it was also on Asian p-b sites. The second or third round of orders hit Japan sites a few months later and were selling for low ¥30's. There were loads of them available. Drop ¥50k now, or wait and possibly get one for a much more reasonable price. The choice is yours.
  2. The retail price is ¥189,200 after tax, which at current rates is a bit over ~$1,400 USD per Google and xe.com $1,300 doesn't sound too bad. Shipping will be killer though.
  3. I believe the 6/30 date may have been a placeholder. I'm seeing X-0 listings starting to pop up on PayPay and Rakuma. I'd bet buyers are getting shipping notifications.
  4. Here's a Type-X for 30,000 yen - https://paypayfleamarket.yahoo.co.jp/item/z117282924 Order through FromJapan for a 3,000 yen off coupon. Price would be 27,000 + shipping. Also, the Astraea+Proto GN Launcher along with the option set just got rereleased in Japan. There's a bunch available on various shopping sites.
  5. Pre-ordering a general release MB is overrated. There's loads of MB Justice available on sites like Rakuma, PayPay, etc. all selling for 30k yen. My proxies 10% off coupon brings that price down to 27k. The Hi-Nu won't be any different. Japanese shopping sites will be flooded with them come July. Save yourself the trouble and just proxy one after release.
  6. My proxy order was delivered earlier this week. I don't think that vid accurately reflects the color. It arrived with a small scratch on the front leg.
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