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  • Birthday January 6

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Pretty late to the party, But i finally got a chance to watch it last night. The F short was animated BEAUTIFULLY and i think the story was more coherent than the Delta movie. I still liked Zettai live, but i think it was lacking something, though i can't place what. Maybe it was the small amount of fighting? I also like Ranka's new design, I think the longer hair looks really nice. There were also many parts of Zettai that I found were strong too, and I liked that they went back to Freya's hometown and explained where her parents were during all of this. Though, I wish there was more time for Yami_Q_ray to develop, I thought that it could have been a really strong villian if it was given more time/development. I'm typing this out pretty quick so i'll probably flesh out my thoughts later. Overall though it was a good watch.
  2. Why is it shutting down?? I know it's an older game, but i'd think the fanbase (in japan, at least) would be enough to keep it running.
  3. The kit came in today! Bigger than expected, even though I knew how big it would be. Though, the box was damaged for the kit itself, and a few parts broke off the risers during transit. The main part I think I'm upset about is the scuffs on a lot of the bigger parts due to poor packaging from the seller. Luckily, they're not deep and a coat of primer should hide them (I hope) I also remembered to buy almost everything. But somehow I FORGOT GLUE. I really don't know how that happened either, But I'll see if i can get some soon (It all depends if i have anywhere to go, as I'd like to get glue in-person if possible) The kit has a nice sculpt, but I wasn't ready for those SUPER tiny parts. I thought the 1/20 Minmay I built was tiny, but some parts on this blow it away. I'll have to make a new workspace so I won't lose them as I build. I also like the extra decals for some parts too, but that's pretty standard (I hope?) I'll start working on it after I get my big project done, as I don't want to burn-out and be unable to build this. Once again, thanks to everyone for the help!
  4. Yep! There's her one garage kit, and her CM's.. is crusty at best. Maybe a Hibiki figure to go along with would be cool too.
  5. I'd like to have some Macross 2 stuff, some official figures would be nice.. Also, Maybe just more older Macross stuff in general. Call me crazy, but a figure of Minmay that's a decent scale and looks nice (That wouldn't cost an arm and a leg) as there's only the old figures and the arcadia ones (Cm's look nice, but are either crazy expensive or small). I'd also kill for some new transformable valkyrie kits as well, as the ones i've seen of older series are rare and old ( brittle joints are my worst fear, I think). It'd also be nice to have the old Macross soundtracks on streaming services alongside the new ones too. maybe a translations of the various Macross books as well? Kinda doubting that last one. More U.S. Movie screenings would be what I hope they do the most, as I couldn't make the Plus screening.
  6. Call me crazy, But i think i like how the neon tron-esque .. ship.. plane thing looks. I'm saying ship because of how big it appears in the trailer, But I can't watch the movie yet. I bet it'd be HELL to paint though, as all of those light neon lines and all the black makes for masking tape galore. It looks neat IMO, I've never seen anything quite like it.
  7. Thanks for ALL of that! That was actually exactly what I was looking for, especially the putty and primer details. And with the canopy, I wonder how i'd be able to get the teal tint on the window, as I don't know of any clear/transparent drying paints I could use. I have some Testors paints and acrylics, and I plan on using chalk pastels to make the inset lines and such on the sculpt stand out. I don't think i'd change the seat, as i'd like to keep it as faithful as possible to the anime, But i like that you CAN change the seat if you wanted to put a small model in the cockpit. I also have Mr. White Tamiya putty, and it works pretty well. If there's something i'd want to fix, all i'd have to do is get a blade and chisel it off, as it tends to be flaky when not inset. And thanks for the measurements, that's a BIG kit for my standards! Might have to set a bit of shelf space for it, haha.
  8. Thanks for that first tip, i had no idea there were so many variants of just 1 plane! Luckily, though, I'm pretty simple and like the basic versions most of the time. It strikes me as odd that there's no one kit alike, but i guess it does make sense. The Mecha guide is pretty extensive as well, so thanks for that also! I didn't know that about smaller kits. That also makes sense, though, but If you hand't told me that i would have had no idea! And with the cockpits,those are usually transparent, right? I'd save them for last as-is, as messing up paint on transparent surfaces never goes too well for me. For a base coat, would Tamiya Light Grey work? I've been meaning to get some for a while. I use Mr.Tamiya White Putty, and you can't find too much about it (Unless I looked in all the wrong places..) But it works pretty well. I 3D printed a Sharon Apple model, and there's practically no gaps in it now. It does get brittle, though, but luckily it dries fast and is easy to remove if need be. And i wish i knew about decal solvent before i built my first model, haha. I am VERY careful when dusting it off now.
  9. Yep, that's the confusing part for me. I am REALLY bad at math, so i refer to user photos when i can for size. It seems like a bigger model to me, but i know they get HUGE as well. ( That 1/20 VF set i saw in box once was huge. and that was JUST the box!!) I'm sure that over time i'll learn the sizes by heart, though. Glad to know that the math is easy, and not long division or something. And yeah, I'd say that they'd be bigger, but maybe not. It still surprises me when i see a tiny pilot in a "tiny" model like that..
  10. Thank you both for those threads! I probably wouldn't have found those. Most of the things i already know how to do are there, So i'm glad it's not too different than character kits. Only thing i'm worried about now is brittle plastic and missing pieces, haha.
  11. Yeah, i do get how scales work, but what i wonder is how large a 1/72 VF would be. Maybe around 8 inches? 6? i'm not too sure, is all. I'm looking at the 1/72 kit, as something too big wouldn't fit on my limited shelf space. It reminds me of the "nose collection" in where the tiny 1/20 PLAMAX characters looked just right in comparison. Makes me think how big a SDF-1 would have to be to fit the 1/20 figs in it, LOL. It's fun to imagine a city-block sized model of it, to be honest.
  12. I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but i'd like to start building plane model kits. I've built character kits before, But i'm not sure how that would differ from a plane model. I'd like to buy a YF-19 kit (hasegawa), but scales and such of these planes confuse me a bit, as i'm used to 1/6 scales, not 1/42 or 1/72 scale. I'd like to know some tips and tricks as well, and any must-haves that I wouldn't have normally ( Such as certain types of seam putty or different paints, base coat paint, etc). And if anyone has any questions on character kits, I'll try to answer them, haha.
  13. Once you get into the game, and you get past the opening/ first boot story thing that goes on for at least 10 minutes, the game is pretty straightforward ( especially if you have played other rhythm games) The only thing i'm confused by is the red/green/blue tickets that (can?) be used for the gatcha pulls.. also, getting variable fighters is pretty hard, but I may be doing something wrong. Luckily there's a pretty decent wiki which can help out too.
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