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Everything posted by RaisingCane

  1. Were the captains of the Daedalus and Prometheus ever named or shown in the original series? I'd assume they outranked Misa (and probably everyone else besides Global).
  2. Given its limitations, I don't see why the Lancer II was manned at all. It's not as if they didn't have unmanned drones like the Ghost, so why put a pilot in a "fighter" that can't even return to base?
  3. I'd think that truly motivated pacifists with that level of technology could attempt innovating in other fields, like propulsion systems, passive defenses, and other non-destructive countermeasures. Putting all their eggs in those baskets might give them an edge over the other fleets in those areas.
  4. About factory satellites, on M3 it says: Aren't there like twenty-something of them in Earth-orbit alone during the time of M+? How'd so many get there without fold drives? Is it generally assumed that the ones captured by the NUNS were those left behind after the destruction of the Bodol fleet, or have they been picking fights with other Zentradi fleets just to get their factories?
  5. And Protoculture descendants to boot. I wonder if they had any idea how much trouble it would cause the Zentradi if they fast-forwarded the development of such a civilization with OverTechnology.
  6. Was there ever any indication as to why the ASS-1 crashed in the first place? Was it damaged in battle? Was it abandoned and left on autopilot or did the UN find the bodies of the crew?
  7. Do the early emigration fleets receive any supplies from Earth or are they pretty much stuck with whatever they took with them? Like, are there Megaroad fleets wandering around out there that still primarily use old but well-maintained VF-4s?
  8. Has allied Zentradi mecha been upgraded in parity with the improvements made to NUNS mecha over the decades? Given how successful the VF-1 was in Space War 1, wouldn't the latest VFs far outclass their old Zentradi counterparts now?
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