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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. 👆 second buyer 🤣
  2. 👆 Here we have the first buyer 🤣 I know, it's a joke. right? 🤣
  3. Most of you will say "I won't buy it". But what's really going to happen is we're all going to buy it to hide under the bed and sing all night. LOL
  4. Any idea what format is this?
  5. I have some news. I bought a Kingston 64GB memory and copy the video that DarkArchon kindly copied to me. The screen works again!! Thanks you DarkArchon! But the screen still have some strange behavior. When I turn it off and on again, the screen is all all black (no play). The only way to make it work again is to unplug the internal cables of the screen and plug them again. I believe we have to understand this video format, so we can do some custom videos. not smart Kidlogic, they could place some videos to download from the website.
  6. As a fan, I recently buy this expensive figure but I was disappointed with the poor quality of it and I realize that there is no support at all from the brand. The screen only works in few opportunities. Most of the time does not turn on, sometimes everything appears scratched. It seems that the low quality generic SD memory is damaged, I tried to fix it with a chkdsk but it just messed up the video altogether. I'm trying to get the video to see if it can be fixed. (Thanks you guys). The sound makes a soft pulsating hum. The sound quality is really bad with some background noise. Don't even think about buying this piece for the audio. I wish I could turn off the noise of the audio sound and leave only the lights, but it can't. There is a piece that came broken. I already glued it but I still need to paint it. I am surprised because it was very well packed. The problem is that the pieces are too heavy. The base where it says "Robotech" is heavy and does not stay in place. I had to glue it with a stronger glue. It looks like they didn't wait for the piece to dry because the wrapping paper got stuck on some sides. The speaker below the base is outdoors (you can see the black cardboard of the speaker ), it is very easy to break if you are not careful with transportation. I couldn't take a picture of it because it all weighs a ton. Although it is not in sight, it is very poor quality termination (easy to fix with a plastic or metal mesh). The paint on the cabin LEDs is sloppy. Totally unnecessary cost reduction here. The throttle lever does not illuminate properly from below. It seems to only light up from one side. The presentation of the certificate has a slight flaw. The removable sides have a serial number different from the serial number of the figure. Apparently they assembled the figures by mixing the parts? (ugly). The manual seems to have been printed before the figure was released because explanations on how to assembly some parts is missing. The electronics is sealed inside the piece. In case of failure it is not possible to open for repair. It is very expensive for the quality offered. The worst of all is that the company does not respond to emails and there is no support whatsoever (very ugly). The good: Even with all the flaws it is still a beautiful and unique piece for a fan. Captain Rick is safe from this battle. I think it was better not to put low quality audio and improve other details of the figure. Apparently they had to justify the cost with some "nice feature". Unnecessary for me. I can accept most of the failures, but not the display failure. Many people buy it to keep sealed in the box. Warning to be careful what you have in the box. Thanks you
  7. DarkArchon, send you my email in a message. Thanks you
  8. DarkArchon, Thanks you but forum don't let me download the file. Could you please upload to a online file share? anyone free would work fine (mediafire, uploaded, mega, Dropbox, so on). Thanks you
  9. Hello Jenius In the backside of the panel you will find the slot for the micro SD card. To remove it you have to press it (push in). In the attached picture is already removed. The memory is a cheap low cost memory of 128MB. Connect it to a computer and you will find the video (AVI) inside a folder. Please try to attach it in a post 😃 My video broken when trying to repair the memory.
  10. Thanks you no3Ljm! I just need the video file inside sd card because mine is broken. I see that files can be attached in the post. Any online drive can also do the job. Its a really small video. Don't upload to any stream. Need to be same format, size, so on in order to work, because I test with a random video and wont load. Here is a picture of the problem.
  11. I buy the this unit, but the memory came damaged. Kid logic is very irresponsible brand and did not answer me any email. Could you please help me and upload the video file? (SD Card\我的电影1.avi) I will really appreciate the help. Thanks you
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