I think that what's going to happen next year for the Macross Franchise
1. Some North American Anime Company (i.e. Funimation, Sentai, Viz, GKIDS, etc.) Is going to be releasing the Macross titles post-1987. Either the Macross II or the Macross Plus Blu-Ray release will happen first.
1.II If it is Macross Plus, or if this comes 2nd, the 2013 Japanese Blu-Ray release would be used as the basis for the North American Blu-Ray release of Macross Plus. Only some things need to change like for an Audio Track with the Original Japanese Soundtrack mixed with the English Dub as well as the International Soundtrack so it could satisfy everyone. With the movie edition. All they would have to do is used the transfer with English Subtitles. If it comes with a new Dub, it would be a welcome addition.
2. Macross 7's release....man! Where do I begin?
An English Subtitled-Only release would be logical, given the fact that it's nearly 20 years old and dubbing it would be a hassle for the obvious reason but if a dub were to be made, they cannot treat it like Fire Bomber American and call it a day. I would like to hear a somewhat good job from the ADR Team from Sound Candence (which these days are perfect for Retrofitting English Dubs for shows that are more than 10 to 15 years old) and they can't just do the TV series. They would have to go for the OVAs, the Short Movie, and Shorts.
3. After that, then dubbing Macross Zero to Delta would be much easier. For Scheduling the Macross Blu-Ray releases, it cannot just be released all at once. Give the entries at least 3 to 6 months in the limelight. If Streaming Services do pick them up, they would have to put out the Subtitled-Only versions out first.
Although it won't all release within the year of 2022, it would get Macross fans excited for releases like those.
Anyways, Zethus out!