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Everything posted by Zethus

  1. My pick for the main trio Alto - Bryce Papenbrock Sheryl Nome - Cristina Vee Ranka Lee - Brianna Knickerbocker or Cassandra Lee Morris
  2. So it’s the same as the Netflix situation with Neon Genesis Evangelion?
  3. Since most of the Macross franchise is to be available on Disney Plus later this year, there’s a chance that the series may get some English Dubs so who would you think would voice which character in English?
  4. Let alone be woke as hell when it comes to the translations Creative Sphere should be able to translate most of the Macross franchise If a dub were to be made, BIGWEST would have to be heavily involved with the dubs
  5. Right Stuf has a couple of merchandise
  6. Well, I believe that we need whatever we can to help, even with helping out the subtitling (i.e. foreign language Subtitles such as Spanish, French, German, Korean, etc.)
  7. I think that there should be a campaign to bring Macross Series and Movies to other parts of the world besides the U.S. For Example, Macross Delta Absolute Live!!!!!! is highly demanded for Latin America so the hashtag on twitter would be #MacrossLATAM
  8. I have a theory on why there hasn’t been an announcement for a Blu-Ray release of Macross Plus yet is that BIGWEST is in the middle of a deal with some company (don’t know who but I think that they are going to be spending a hefty amount of money just to license it) Also, I think that the license is in a bidding war with companies like Crunchyroll, Amazon or Netflix trying to nab the license
  9. Well, at WonderCon 2022. They announced that Fathom Events is bringing the Macross Frontier movies to theaters
  10. It would take time for everything to get released. I think that what Creative Sphere is working on (that they can’t say because NDA) would make fans happy.
  11. I think that who would be BIGWEST’s distribution partner would either be Right Stuf or GKIDS
  12. I hope that we get a Blu-Ray release of Macross Delta for the North American fans
  13. Maybe a third VF-X game could exist
  14. DeathStroke Movie
  15. We had to share the title with Batman
  16. I hope that comes to Spotify
  17. If Big West were to make a remaster or a remake of an old Macross game(s), what would you like to see what game(s) would get the treatment? Me personally, I would like for Macross VF-X games get remade (fixing a couple of issues while updating the graphics). Also, it would be a good idea to finally release these games to the West.
  18. Zethus

    Uta Macross!

    Who thinks that Uta Macross would get an international version?
  19. does this answer everyone's attention?
  20. To be honest, I don't care for DC unless it's Batman.
  21. I would have to predict that may happen for the 40th Anniversary of the Macross Franchise. I'm not an hardcore fan but I can probably guess where it could lead to. - 40th Anniversary Blu-Ray Remaster of Super Dimension Fortress Macross (1982) with some Animation Fixes and such (we have the technology) (maybe only for Japan) - Some Valkyres would be sold in Western Retailers like Barnes and Noble, Target, GameStop, etc. right next to the Gunpla - A Western Blu-Ray release for most of the Macross Franchise, starting off either with Macross II: Lovers Again or Macross Frontier (honestly I don't care on what order they would release the series). For whom I would like it to be Distributed by, I would choose RightStuf (They released a majority of the Gundam Franchise for Sunrise (now Namco Bandai Arts)). I was thinking Discotek Media but I doubt they would be able to get it. Same with Crunchyroll Home Video (formerly FUNimation Home Video). They wouldn't have to release it all this year but at least release 1 series or Movie. - Macross Delta: Zettai Live!!!!!! Western Theatrical Release by Fanthom Events - A Western Streaming Video release for the Franchise (II through Delta) either on A.) Crunchyroll, B.) Netflix or C.) Some other Streaming Service (Maybe have a dub for Frontier or Delta (sans songs)) - A new video game release or announcement for a Macross Shoot Em' Up that would be one of the first Macross games to ever come outside of Japan. - Uta Macross Event where there would be an International Version of the game with some changes Wow! I must have gone far too long so I'll hop off for you to decide.
  22. Where can I find this Blu-Ray? I wonder if Gwyn Campbell and Adrian Loranzo have anything to do with these Subtitles
  23. Wow, info got debunked 18 years later due to someone doing ACTUAL research
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