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Everything posted by brooklynmacross

  1. Guys, I know this isn't the place, but I know someone has to be interested. Lowering it to 300 and free shipping
  2. Copy that friend. Here is the link with all the photos
  3. Hello all! I am selling my DX YF-21. It is solid with no loose joints and NO broken antenna. I threw the box away almost a month ago. Comes with ALL the accessories it originally came with along with the instruction manual I will upload more photos later, but here is one photo I am charging $315 with FREE SHIPPING. I ship only to the states and use paypal of course. I can upload a video showing how solid it is
  4. Probably going up in price because of the recent Hi-Metal Rs. Charming little valks lol
  5. I'm surprised that the VF-0D is so rare now. I still have mine mint and sealed in the black box. Any news about a VF-0S reissue?
  6. Hey guys! I am selling off some DX Valks in case anyone is interested. Both Hikaru and Max
  7. Looks so mouth watering. Beautiful collection
  8. Oh snap! I definitely gonna buy this! About time!
  9. Totally getting the VF-0s and I'm also excited about the Soul of Chogokin Kiryu!
  10. Sci Fi channel? back in 1994? I remember Project A-KO's amazing intro theme X-plosion?
  11. I thought I was the only one who knew about this anime
  12. A DX Regult would be stunning, but then we would have the issue of putting a pilot inside. All I really want is a DX VF-0S and buy 3. Display one, keep one sealed, and one for just in case.
  13. Excited for this. Definitely a series that needs more attention. Hope it gets the DX treatment as well
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