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Cannon Fodder

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  1. I find it in bad taste because it's a nazi swastika, not a Hindu or Navajo one. Several million people died under it! To this day hate groups continue to use it as a symbol of their agendas. We refuse to let it go? Good! "Those who forget the lessons of the past are condemned to repeat them." Modern Society won't let go of it because it happened in modern times!; we've still got WW2 vets and holocaust survivors living among us. Dismissing it as something that's irrelevant simply because it didn't occur in your lifetime, much less your living memory is foolish. Like I said earlier - I don't think that guy should be tarred and feathered or whatever. I wanted to know what he was thinking of when he did that comp. So far Nied has had the best answer (but I don't see any USAAF P-51 or RAF Spitfire schemes to go with it and despite the removal of the kit, they still have a UN Spacy on the nacelle, so it's a little sloppy and it gives the wrong first impression.). I'm fine with the Nied's "Luft '46" rationale. But the suggestion to simply accept it based on an "oops - wasn't meant to be that way" argument has got to be the worst. And actually, we have seen a few modern figters painted up like WW2 fighters for special occasions. Some A-10s have worn D-Day invasion stripes for a recent anniversary, a Virginia ANG F-16 wore P-51 colors and WW2 national insignia on top of it's normal camouflage for a short while and an Arizona ANG F-16 wore the colors of the Tuskeegee Airmen's P-51s. Oh, and I recall an RAF jet (can't remember the type) that had a Spitfire shape painted underneath it. I think there was an F-15 in D-Day stripes too, roughly 28-30 years ago, back when they wore an overall light blue scheme.
  2. It's obvious that it's a reference to a specific aircraft and unit, as are most of the comps. However, my point is - all the other comps look as though they could fit into the Macross continuity of things to come whereas the swastika simply doesn't. It's inclusion in a series of futuristic aircraft (either real or fictional) suggests that the Third Reich would have a place in the world tomorrow. If he were comping FW-190s or ME-109 paint schemes and unit markings, then the swastika has a historical purpose for being there. But you wouldn't see a Tornado, Alpha Jet or Eurofighter wearing one nor would it ever be considered. And if he wanted to comp German paint schemes, WW2 schemes wouldn't be a problem and there have been plenty of other schemes the German Air Force and Navy have used since then that are just as interesting (and probably more effective): Don Color's Post-War German Air Force Colors I'm not suggesting that he be run off the internet, but that comp's just in really bad taste.
  3. While there are some really interesting and cool schemes on there, what is the purpose of the swastika on that one VF-1?
  4. OK... here are some new VF-22S Schemes I've been messing with... Inspired by this VF-19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Blackbird" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And here are two new VF-19A Schemes I've comped up: Gray Splinter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray/Green Splinter
  5. Here's what's on the Macross shelf of my workbench.... VF-0A w/Ghost VF-0S VF-1S These pix are somewhat dated as I've done most of the decaling on the main fuselage and wings. I'll post those pix ASAP VF-1A - Unknown squadron - suggestions? VF-19A - Unknown squadron - suggestions? - Fuselage subassembly constructed and pre-shaded - Wings pre-shaded VF-22S - Unknown squadron - suggestions? - Fuselage subassembly constructed - Wing subassemblies constructed - Tail subassemblies constructed SV-51 (2) Not started VE-1 Not Started
  6. LOL!!!! He's gonna need a wide angle lens for that shot! But still, I for one would love to see more of your work.
  7. Is the VF-1D (VF-0B) a type trainer (T-45, T-38), or a conversion trainer (Like the F-15B/D, F-16B/D, F/A-18B and TAV-8B)?
  8. Thanks I've got a VF-22S kit, but I've no idea how I'll finish it. The trick for me will be to make it look like something that's in an actual military service, but at the same time retain the look of a mecha.
  9. Okay, here are some VF-22S scheme sketches....
  10. Wow, I'm really digging that VF-0D! What's that blue/gray VF-19 off to the side there? Do you have any pix of that one?
  11. Thanks. I'm trying to convince a buddy over on the FSM GB that a CAG aircraft would likely carry artwork on the shield. He thought the beaver tail between the engines folded up onto the batteroid's back like the VF-1s tail did. Got a couple more schemes to wrap up before I start on VF-22 schemes
  12. Your English is fine buddy! Couple more schemes and a side view of the VF-19A... SVF-111 "Sundowners" CAG JASDF F-2 Scheme Side View
  13. Yeah, I applied the LGG on the control surfaces liberally, that way it references the F-15 Compass Ghost Gray scheme. Sort of a new twist on an old scheme to freshen it up a bit. Here's the SVF-32 scheme I've been messing with: Sundowners... I'm already thinking of art for the "beaver tail" shield
  14. It's based on the US Navy's Gull Gray scheme of the 1960s & 70s. The undersides and control surfaces of their aircraft (A-4, A-6, A-7, F-4, F-8 & F-14) were painted white and everything else was finished in gloss Gull Gray. What I did was replace with white with Light Ghost Gray and the Gull Gray with Dark Ghost Gray. The squadron markings are for SVF-96 "Fighting Falcons" CAG aircraft. However, since Randy Cunningham's admission of taking bribes, I just don't have the heart to pursue a "Fighting Falcons" Excalibur (VF-96 was the unit he flew in in Vietnam). A buddy of mine is already planning on finishing his VF-19A in SVF-32 "Swordsmen" markings so I may go with an SVF-111 "Sundowners" scheme instead. The other schemes are (in order of appearance): 1. "European 1" (the color variation worn by A-10 in 1980s) - A good scheme for when the mecha is in Batteroid or Gerwalk mode on the ground. 2. "Ghost" (worn by Royal Singapore Air Force F-5s) 3. "Mod Excalibur" (version of the F-15 Mod Eagle scheme) 4. "Project Hill" (worn by F-16s and USAF F-4s) 5. "SEA Scheme" (Vietnam-era USAF aircraft.) A regional scheme that's very effective for when the mecha is in batteroid or Gerwalk mode on the ground. I've got some other schemes in mind, but I just haven't had the time to sketch them out yet. Oh, BTW - do you have a larger (higher res) YF-21 side view? Thanks, Trigger
  15. You're right. At least one MiG-29 was forced into the ground via manuevering (hey folks, a kill's a kill - it doesn't matter how you do it). I just don't remember if it was that EF-111 or F-15E crew that did that back in 1991. I just wanted to point out that it wasn't just poor pilot training that has contributed to the Fulcrum's combat record, and that the Fulcrum should still be regarded as a serious threat. Still, your write-up is very well put together.
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