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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. Ha ha! But it was Hera that was labeled as Eve.
  2. I don't remember Leoben actually frakkin' Starbuck. As for Tyrol.... now ya know why he took off to that cold island (Ireland/Scotland?) with no other people around.
  3. NICE!!!
  4. It's great the way the Opera House turned out to be the Galactica and that Six and Baltar were actually saving Hera. The vision was well adapted to make a whole lotta of sense for the end. Another example of RDM and his outstanding writing staff.
  5. Tori wasn't exactly herself by killing Cally, Tyrol did let Boomer escape, Saul had a relationship with Six and even got her pregnant and even Anders was terrified of what would happen if Kara found out he was a Cylon. THAT is all different from who they were.
  6. Hmmm... guess I forgot about that.
  7. Anyone else notice that Deanna Biers/Lucy Lawless was no where to be found in the finale?
  8. I was AMAZED! This is the only show I've ever seen that really delivered. I loved the ending!!! Some say it was drawn out.... no way! It was perfect! This tops my list as favorite fictional show of all time. Amazing writing, acting, effects, music and direction week in and out. I can't wait for "The Plan" and Caprica! Loved the way they tied it all together at the end.
  9. Great episode. Looks like the s&^t is really gonna hit the fan soon. Did Roslyn pass out or die?
  10. This is the best I could do...
  11. I have everyone but Misa, but I do also have this...
  12. YEAH!!!!! You made my desktop!!!
  13. Hands down.. the YF-19!!! With the Roy Focker paint scheme!
  14. I was wondering how they would use those cracks/fractures that Tyrol noticed in the FTL drive room.
  15. I wish I could zoom into this...
  16. It'll still be better than the movie!
  17. That's why Guld was #8 on my list as a civilian pilot in a fighter that responds to his thoughts. Macross Arena would RULE!!! I would hope it would actually come out for the PC too. I gave up on consoles after I started playing FPS games online with the PC.
  18. That still doesn't take away from Nekki being a putz. Ha-ha!
  19. Wow Hikuro... killer job! I used to do stuff like that back in the day with inferior sound equipment so I have an idea of what goes into sync and dubs.
  20. Moreover Ozma reminds me a lot to Roberto Baggio, captain of the Italian national football team in the 80s 90s The hair's TOO curly!!! Coincidence?
  21. Put it this way... I doubt there are any fansites for it.
  22. I'd be happy to volunteer for anything too. I just don't have any serious recording devices/software
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