Thanx for the insight Pat Payne. I understand what you are saying. It just bums me out that we the "fans" pretty much get screwed as far as pricing and availability due to HG's practices. I'm glad that we have sites and forums like this to express our views. I guess what I had posted was wishful thinking, especially with the development of films like "Superman Returns" and "King Kong" being handled by filmmakers that are true fans. Even the remade Battlestar Galactica, which at first was not welcomed by the old hard core fans has achieved much success. I would just love to see Macross made available to the worldwide market in it's truest and purest form for those of us who want it. Hey, if you like RT, good luck to ya, and enjoy. But my point being that us Macross Purists are stuck with high price imports, or HK copies with bad subs. I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do...