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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. This is simply what happens... heroes die. Real heroes that is. You're definitely describing the characters from the RT side. Although I don't think Max was ever a suck up, and RT does a crappy way of presenting these characters IMO. Hell, Obi Wan died, and Anankin died in the end. Remember Luke being young and stupid? He did learn though. From a writers standpoint, it's usually the character that the audience can most identify with that endures. We experience the world through his eyes (Hikaru's) and live and learn. Roy will always be my favorite Macross character. I just wish he would have died taking out about 200 Zentraedi at once. More of a hero's death is what he deserved.
  2. Killer job on the lightning! And I'm not that into that Valk! NICE!!! Gets my vote.
  3. Darn! Guess I can't make it! Have fun guys! Perhaps I'll see a few of ya at SD Comic Con.
  4. This game kicks ass!!! I think any true Macross fan will know this is what we've been waiting for. Now we can only hope that we'll get another game for the PS3!
  5. I remember seeing the trailer for this Applseed CG a few years ago and freaking out! I finally saw it and bought it. I thought it was very cool for what it was. I don't think "every" anime should convert to this method. I just think of it as a tool or another medium to enhance anime. I kinda agree/disagree with Graham. I love the CG valks too, but I am very open to new methods that are visually pleasing. I love eye candy. However, I understand what he said about the 80's anime. I just rewatched "Dagger of Kamui" and I was diggin' that again too. Things that don't change die off... just like the dinosaurs. I also hear that John Lassiter (the former head of Pixar now in charge of Disney Animation) cleaned house on the digital animators side with those who couldn't really draw. He's on a mission to bring back some 2D animation, so I'm stoked about that. I truly think that we'll all benefit from a blend of the 2D-3D-CG methods.
  6. VF-1S... definitely with! Especially the Strike Valkyrie. YF-19... without!
  7. I haven't seen the 1st Vampire Hunter D in years, don't remember much. But the 2nd film was beautifully done!!!
  8. Yup... last year I was in Maui and they even had SPAM at McDonalds! To each his own dude!!!
  9. I never could get that thing to go past a certain level without it crapping out on me...
  10. I like chicks named Holly too... but I think you're referring to "Holy".
  11. Other than Macross, I own: Appleseed (movie CG) Blood Cowboy Bebop (movie) Ghost in the Shell 2 Ninja Scroll Wicked City Wonderful Days Yukikaze I have seen Samurai Champloo, but have not purchased it yet. I will also work on getting the Miyazaki stuff. There are a few others I will get in the near future. I mainly stick with OVA and films. Most series just don't have the consistency in quality that I like.
  12. The shirts are OK... it's what's in 'em that counts!!!
  13. WOW! What a helluva season finale! Goes to show ya what a POS Baltar is. However, I didn't think Gaeta would still be sucking his ass. Personally, I like the Beast sticking around (Pegasus). It should add to one helluva fight when the new season begins in October. Till then... enjoy the summer!
  14. My vote is for San Diego!
  15. The game rocks!!!
  16. If ya wanna play, ya gotta pay...
  17. To this day I still use DYRL as the animation measuring stick!
  18. Dude, Your decision all comes down to personal preference. You definitely can't go wrong with a Roy Focker 1/48. I am definitely drooling over the VF-0 and YF-19.
  19. It is one helluva weird story. I only have the first two episodes. Has it actually been completed and released in North America? From what I have seen for DVD sales on the internet, it looks like it has. How many episodes are there total? I thought there were 4.
  20. Well... "Skull" from Roy Focker being the Skull Squadron Leader, and "Sixx" from my boy Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue. That's pretty much the explanation.
  21. If anyone could handle doing a Macross movie, it would be Ridley Scott. Those dark visuals in "Alien" would match up perfectly with deep, dark space, the massive size of the Macross, and the eerieness of the Zentraedi. The guy is a master story teller and the best "thinking man's" action genre film director out there!
  22. I completely agree! 374844[/snapback] I totally agree too!
  23. I will always remember him in "A Christmas Story" and "Billy Madison"... classics!!! RIP.
  24. AWESOME!!! Absolutely hilarious!
  25. That Tommy Yune art is disgusting. Ugh. I couldn't of said it better myself. It just pains me to even think of an actual mass released live action film where every other word is "Veritech" much less seeing HG or Carl Macek on the credits. PUKE!!!!
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