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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. I gotta admit... when I first saw this I heard that cheesy RT song!
  2. Unfortunately I can't make it this year... but does anyone know when that big Anime con in So-Cal will be and email me the dates/website/info?
  3. I'd love to have the YF-19 with the Roy Focker paint job!
  4. frakin' choice!!!
  5. I heard that!!!
  6. Nice work... but you might wanna put those tail fins on a slight angle.
  7. Damn right!!! This flick was fun as a kid. Van Helsing is the typical easy to swallow Hollywood crap that they keep pumping out with "special effects-CG" that try and sell the film. If this was made 15-20 yrs ago w/out the CG imagine how much worse it would be...
  8. If people keep watchin' this crap... they'll keep producing it. I won't bother with anything that looks lame because I don't wanna waste a dollar on it. Hell... that's what DVD is for. Only when you get some really sucky movie you can never get your 2 hours of time back!
  9. Dude, Try playing with illustrator or photoshop. I would also suggest drawing from reality (still life) before moving on to anime/comic style stuff. Hone your skills early and you will definitely reap the rewards. Nice start... keep workin'!
  10. Dude... I gotta admit, I don't think I'd have the balls to put those figures on my wedding cake! So, If she let ya do that she MUST be worth marrying! Congrats!!! Let's see more pics of all the other ladies at the wedding... including the hottie in the pink!
  11. So do I.. just did on my new 50" plasma HD!!!
  12. more expanded universe crap... no thanks!
  13. DAMN RIGHT!!! Screw HG! Why won't this company just... go away?
  14. My vote is for Millia... a hot chick with green hair! That's rare!
  15. I'd love to see the story of Aegis Focker. This puts us ahead of Mac Plus but still leaves us with ties to Space War I. Hopefully we could see Claudia in her elder years with memories of Roy.
  16. Brilliant!!!
  17. Remember... Schwarzennegger's a little dude and they make him look like a big ass SOB on film. So why not Beckinsale? She's definitely hot enough!
  18. I'd like to see something post Plus-era. Action oriented with less romance/love story/music involved.
  19. Thats why Godzilla kicks sooo much ass!
  20. Skull Hunter... who is that in your avatar? AWESOME!!! Link?
  21. Couldn't agree more. I had to watch it a few times myself. I recently rewatched it again about a month ago. I think I've gone through the whole series about 4x now.
  22. Next on Director Bryan Singer's (Superman Returns/X-Men) list is Logans Run. I wonder if Michael Bay actually wanted to do that film and came up with this instead? Very close in concept. Makes ya think huh?
  23. I'd rather another game for the PS2. I'm happy with my PS2 and I really don't want to have to buy a PS3. I've go too many consoles already. Graham 382422[/snapback] LIES! You can NEVER have too many! 382457[/snapback] As much as this game kicks ass, it doesn't look good on my HD Plasma screen because the PS2 doesn't have the capability that the PS3 will have for those hi-def graphics! I love the Macross game, but I find myself playing it on my small 19" TV in my home office. I'd love to have a kick-ass Macross game for my 50" Plasma that would make me blow my load!
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