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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. I'd like to see that link. The Gold Book is something I've always wanted to own.
  2. That would be awesome!!! Hopefully they would have to really good prints of the footage so they would match as close as possible. I'd love to see that. If I had some editing software... I'd do it!
  3. I love the old Rocky flicks just as much as everyone else. I grew up with these films. Although I admit that I will not go see this movie in the theater, I will definitely rent it on DVD out of curiosity when it comes out. The reason is... I think it's kinda sad when Pauly actually looks better than Rocky.
  4. It would be nice to have a place somewhere on this site where all those vids that some of us have not seen can be viewed. I've been on here for a while and have seen quite a bit, but it would be great for the newbies to have easy access to stuff like that. Not necessarily the series or movies, but at least perhaps the video game intros, etc. Then again... you can always just buy the Mac 20th Anniversary DVD.
  5. That would carry a lot of weight with which system I would buy!
  6. I know I had a previous name but I can't even remember what it was. Oh well... goes to show ya how long we've all been here. Good to be around and see us all still going strong!!!
  7. That 1st trailer has shots from Green Street Hooligans, Spider Man, The Island, The Matrix, I Robot, Final Fantasy, the X-Men and MANY others. It's obvious if you know movies. Good job on piecing it together!
  8. Looks like an old Comico Robotech comic book cover! PUKE!!!
  9. I am not against love traingles or music either, but what does attracts me first and foremost is obviously the mecha and the warfare. I think what we have seen so far for the most part has been great. I just agree with one of the last posts where they mentioned mixing it up a bit. Hell, the Star Wars prequels didn't have some bizarre love triangle ex. Luke, Leia, Han.
  10. Dude... you could put that one up as it is! NICE! The kite logo is already on there, but hey if ya wanna make it look official... I understand.
  11. I couldn't agree with you more. Hopefully the next one would center around 1 or 2 individuals as main characters and some sort of battle or struggle involving kick ass mecha. I wouldn't mind dropping the music thing too!
  12. So what's the time frame for us getting them here in the States? Release date?
  13. Totally true!!! No one was perfect, and I thought that was pretty cool! Isamu had his ego, Guld.. well, he was just a schmuck trying to keep up with Isamu and his ego, and Myung... she couldn't make up her frakin' mind!!!
  14. I must have one!!!
  15. Dude... helluva job!!! NICE!
  16. Dude... awesome job! Good to see someone get it right!!!
  17. Once Were Warriors was pretty cool.
  18. This actually looks pretty cool. I just wish they would lose those pastel color overtones and use the hard shadows rather than the crappy soft shadow Disney look.
  19. Just got in from seeing this film... awesome!!! IMO... best Bond ending ever!!!
  20. I'm there Friday night!!! But I'll be looking for that review from ya seeing it Friday morning!
  21. Motley Crue, Van Halen (DLR era), Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Hendrix, The Beatles, Billy Joel, Elton John, WASP, Poison, KISS, Butch Walker, LA Guns, Velvet Revolver, Megadeth, The Cars, Journey, Def Leppard, Queen, Sirius satellite radio and various soundtracks such as Gladiator, Star Wars, and Superman. (I love listening to soundtracks when I'm working on any graphic arts!)
  22. Count me in too!!!
  23. When I first heard of this film and the casting I didn't think Craig would work at all. After seeing him in "Munich" and "Layer Cake", I have realized how good this guy is. The trailers for this movie look great, so I'll be parked at my local theater on 11/17/06 the same way I have been for all the Bond films since "For Your Eyes Only". Although I admit I never bothered with any of the Dalton films and after catching a few scenes of them throughout the years on cable... I'm glad I didn't!!!
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