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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. I've always wanted to go and this definitely gives me ideas!
  2. I can email it to ya if ya want. Just PM me. Periodically I do a Google/Yahoo image search under Macross, Macross Plus, YF-19, Macross Valkyrie, etc. and just save stuff that I find to be pretty cool. I always save 'em under My Pictures and set that as my screen saver.
  3. Damn I love that sound!!!
  4. Cool dude... I'm not really a computer guy so I have no idea what Bit Torrent is, but I'm sure I'll figure it out when you're done with the project.
  5. Yeah... that's it! Otherwise I think it rocks!
  6. Damn that looks kinda cool!
  7. Damn Big F... sounds like you guys get more rain on your side of the pond than we get here on Planet Oregon!!!
  8. Skullsixx

    VF-0S MAX

  9. I just watched this trailer for the helluva it. "If I come out of this alive, my wife will kill me." How about "If I buy a DVD this lame, my wife will kill me... and if that doesn't work I'll be forced to kick my own ass!"
  10. Dude... I commend you on this big project. Looks pretty cool so far. So are you gonna sell this dub or make it available for download when completed?
  11. Got it! Thanx!!!
  12. I just happened to run across this on IMDB. 2006? Anyone know anything about this? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0876133/
  13. What's the pricing like on those things?
  14. I got a big kick outta that Ataria Island shot.. very cool! The after burner pic came out great too. If I may suggest, tone down that light blue under the nose, etc. Otherwise... nice job!!!
  15. A few weeks back my hard drive crashed. I just replaced it. Unfortunately I did lose a few awesome wall papers, but I did manage to get quite a few of them back. I just put Photoshop back on my computer this morning and slapped this one together.
  16. Cool... I'll be tuned in for that!!!
  17. Thanks dude!!!
  18. I usually stay as far away from anything that HG touches which is why I am asking... is this in English? And if so, are the voices from the same cast that did them for RT?
  19. That Garland is huge!!! I didn't realize it was that big... GNARLY!!!
  20. So when in the hell are we getting a new episode? I watched last night and it was a repeat of the first one and I didn't see any new info on the Spike TV or Afro Samurai websites.
  21. Frakin' awesome dude!!!
  22. Just wanna say Happy New Year to all at Macross World! Here's looking forward to a wonderful 2007 and hopefully some new Macross items for us all. It's been a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to another year here!!!
  23. Pretty damn cool!!! We could use one here on Planet Oregon!
  24. I was not a fan at all of the 1st film. The Thing would be so much better if he were CG. Especially after seeing what they did years ago in Galaxy Quest. I will admit the Surfer looks awesome and the trailer was killer, but I'll have to see a helluva lot more to venture to the theater for this one.
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