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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. It's so WORTH it!!! Once you get it you'll NEVER go back to terrestrial radio!
  2. Those first 2 images of that girl look like something straight outta MegaZone 2-3 Part II.
  3. Someone was doing a cartoon style Mac Plus era strip on here for a while. It would be cool to see others too.
  4. What the hell is with that Duke Nuke 'Em 2007 trailer? Cheesy ass metal music and one damn still that gets flipped back and forth?
  5. I agree with the blob light on his chest, but I don't think the pic is not too over lit. Perhaps it's just a production still. I've seen a helluva lot worse. At least they DID some lighting, unlike some of the other crap that has come out in the past... namely anything from Paul Verhoeven or some crappy movie thats too dark and has the same lighting scheme like Tim Burton films.
  6. Hey man... COOL! Thought I recognized that Star Wars Rebel pilot emblem on the helmet.
  7. Holy Frak!!! Lookin' SWEET!!! I'm likin' that!
  8. I always did like the DYRL color schemes better!!!
  9. Cool... wish we could see more... OF HER!
  10. Basically mine sit on the shelf in fighter mode and serve as inspiration when I do anything artistic. Funny thing is that I love my Super Focker VF-1S and that skull and crossbones emblem has moved it's way on the back window of my truck, rear of my ATV, frame of my mountain bike, computer hard case, and CD case in my car!
  11. WOW!!! Dude... I had a frakkin' ball watching that!!! Very cool and FUN!!!
  12. Not showing too much new stuff.... but still looks bad-ass!!!
  13. Here ya go....
  14. Very cool. Could be cooler if you could rotate some of those pics.
  15. Anyone playing this? Have a screename you wanna share? Perhaps some of us MWer's can ban together to kick some ass.
  16. I noticed the truck had a painting that said "Florence, Oregon". That's about 2 hrs drive from me. I wonder what's up with that painting because it seems like the truck was fabricated in Texas per the web-site.
  17. Starship Troopers-one of the worst sci-fi films ever. Whatta ya expect, it's Paul Verhoeven. Wing Commander-This is actually worse than Starship Troopers. Aeon Flux-WHY? Doom-I'd rather play the game. Spawn-'nuff said!!!
  18. It's called... getting your moneys worth!!!
  19. That rocks!!! I'll have to try that.
  20. I heard that!!!
  21. Bets on how long until this thread gets shut down?
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