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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. Too bad you can't actually SEE anything!
  2. Although I knew I liked anime, that opening sequence of DYRL just blew me away!
  3. It means he's gettin' some tonite!!! Check her out!!!
  4. Cool name dude... look for me online. I usually play around 6pm PST. JohnnyGato.
  5. Time for the latest from AICN: “Razor,†a new two-hour “Battlestar Galactica†movie that will hit the SciFi Channel in November and be released on DVD about the same time, revolves around the Battlestar Pegasus, the ship sacrificed to liberate New Caprica last season. SyFy Portal has some new and fascinating rumors on the project. Three excerpts from the article lurk in invisotext. Excerpt one. "Cain and Gina were quite close," a source tells SyFy Portal. "In fact, they were lovers. We don't exactly come out and say it, but you'd have to be sleeping through the middle of all this to not pick up on their relationship." Two. Cain is fighting some demons of her own, one of the biggest ones stretching back to the original Cylon War 40 years before where she watched her parents executed by the 1970s versions of the living machines, and being forced to make the impossible decision of leaving her little sister behind in an effort to save herself. Three. As previously reported on SyFy Portal, rumors were out that the original Cylon models from the 1970s ABC series would make a cameo appearance in the telemovie, but another source says that's just not true. The inclusion of the original models is full on, and they will likely get more screen time than the new versions first introduced in the 2003 miniseries.
  6. Ya definitely better be "hard-core" for that one!!!
  7. From what I understand "Caprica" has been in development hell for a while.
  8. Dude... I have the book and I still find it amazing!!!
  9. Definitely looks cool so far, but lets see what those vampire/zombies look like. In the meantime, I'm off to see 28 Weeks Later.
  10. Throwing out the continuity? COOL!!! That last T3 Blew!!! Looks interesting.
  11. Or... The Bionic Woman, featuring Starbuck in a small role. I believe it hits NBC next fall. I saw trailers on YouTube. Looks pretty cool.
  12. I'll say this... losing BSG will hurt the Sci-Fi channel. I know I won't watch it as much... if at all. Here's some more info courtesy of members of AICN who went to the Galactica event at the Cinerama in So-Cal. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/32918
  13. I remember that being a problem a while back. Since then I have a new gaming rig and I have very few issues unless it's with the server/connection alone.
  14. Titan mode does kick ass... it's where you score all your points to move up in rank. However, when I'm not playing on TeamSpeak with my buds I will admit I actually prefer the conquest maps and the one on one combat against other ground troops. There's something so satisfying about killing someone else with my big ass machine gun!!!
  15. I enjoyed this one the most. Keith Richards was awesome. His small role didn't seem odd and the effects were incredible.
  16. I'm playing under the name JohnnyGato. It'd be kinda cool to get some MWer's to squad up.
  17. I cracked up!!!
  18. I have that pic too... I just wish I could find a copy that is bigger for my desktop.
  19. I don't know about you guys... but I'll take a healthy dose of pun-tang over any valk on anyday!!!
  20. It's gotta build up to something and always leave you hangin' for more!!!
  21. Here's my response to this idea... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. More news: Flight of Battlestar Continues Battlestar Galactica's search for Earth continues to be an open-ended adventure, executive producer David Eick said. Contrary to comments by Edward James Olmos (Adm. Adama) at the Saturn Awards on May10, no end has been announced for the award-winning show. Battlestar Galactica is preparing to film its fourth season, one that will include 22 episodes, rather than the previously announced 13. "For those of you who have been paying attention over the years, this is not the first time Eddie has made an announcement about the possibility of the show's end," chuckled Eick. "I promise you that when [executiuve producer] Ron [Moore] and I make a decision about Galactica's future, we'll let you know."
  23. I was actually hoping for 5 seasons, but... oh well. I'm sure it will go out with a bang. On the flip side, some shows definitely go stale after so many seasons. I don't think Galactica is one of them, but personally I could see the show going about 7-8 seasons max.
  24. A rather sad update, but I guess all good things must come to an end: Breaking News: EDWARD JAMES OLMOS SAYS THIS IS THE LAST SEASON FOR 'BATTLESTAR GALACTICA' The man behind Adama gives us hints of what to expect and tells about the 2-hour movie as well By SEAN ELLIOTT, Senior Editor Published 5/10/2007 LOCATION: Saturn Awards THE SKINNY: iF MAGAZINE was on the red carpet covering the Saturn Awards at the Universal Hilton this evening and talked to several interesting people from all walks of Sci Fi, Fantasy, and Horror. One of the most interesting things was our conversation with Edward James Olmos, Admiral Adama, from the SCI FI Channel series BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. Olmos told iF that this is the final season for the show and what fans can expect to see in the two-hour movie filling the gap between seasons three and four. iF MAGAZINE: What’s coming up for season four? EDWARD JAMES OLMOS: It’s fantastic. I think they’re going to discover some very important issues about what the fan base really, really wants to see and what’s to understand about this show. We’re heading into the final season. This is the final season as we speak. All of us are very saddened by that, but we always knew there was going to be a conclusion and we would find Earth, so we will be finding Earth this season. I wish it would [keep going]. I could do 10 years like this season. I think that this is some of finest usages of television that I have been a part of in my life. Bar none. I’ve been doing this for 42 years. I’ve done some really good work in television and motion pictures but there really is nothing like this show. I can honestly tell you that this is one of the finest dramatic pieces work on humanity I’ve ever seen in my life. iF: Are you wrapped on the series then, yourself? OLMOS: No, I was just getting started. [Laughs] You’ll see, this year we’ll eat them up and spit them out and they’re going to wish they would’ve gone on for 10 years. iF: So anything special we can expect for the new season? OLMOS: You can expect lots of energy. The closer we get to the discovery and the understanding of what this show is really about, the more intense it’s going to get and the more difficult it is to watch. iF: What can you tell us about the 2 hour movie in between seasons? OLMOS: My involvement is minimal; it’s more of a situation about what happened to the Pegasus prior to getting to us. It’s a very powerful piece of work. The writing is…these kids are doing very well! Ron Moore, I don’t think he’ll ever have this opportunity again. iF: Will Adama and Roslin heat up for this final season then? OLMOS: Probably! [Laughs] We’re heating it up. We’ve been pretty intimate without getting intimate. It’s heating towards that. My instincts are that it’s going to do a tremendous about face. iF: How did you react to the resurrection of Starbuck? OLMOS: That’s interesting. I’d like to know what that means myself, because we thought she was gone. We were all led to believe that. We weren’t even around when they filmed that shot. We saw it at the end like everybody else. The best part of working with a really understanding group of people so they kept it.
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