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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. Someone tell me about this game. What system, if any? Whatta ya do in the game? Obviously, I have an idea if it's Hentai.
  2. Just found this guys... UPDATED!! More SciFi Webisodes!! Adama: The Early Years!! From Gateworld.com: Written by Michael Taylor and directed by Wayne Rose and Felix Alcala, "these shorts will provide a sneak peek into the original Cylon War, when a young pilot named William Adama (Nico Cortez) discovers a dangerous Cylon weapon that will come back to haunt him and his crew 40 years later," SCI FI revealed. They will also be included in the DVD release of "Razor." SciFi Channel announced that "Razor," which will be made available on DVD a short time later, will air on the network Nov. 24. The shorts, written by Michael Taylor and directed by Wayne Rose and Felix Alcala, apparently were part of the original script that were cut because of time from the final movie, a source tells SyFy Portal. The scenes featured in the promotional cuts will be included in the uncut movie release on DVD as part of the overall movie.
  3. Too bad we'll never get a bigger version of the Vipers too. I'd love to have one scale with my Valks.
  4. Not if ya get the right script and director.
  5. That is awesome dude... I just prefer the Ol' skull n' crossbones.
  6. I think it's kinda weak too. The color scheme on that pic doesn't help either.
  7. 1st 10 minutes can be viewed here. http://www.tsutaya.co.jp/cinema/sp/vexille/shisha.html
  8. Wow... whatta flashback! I so remember that! Including that evil Michael Knight with the pornstache!
  9. Thats right... let the Trans Am go Burt Reynolds fans!
  10. Yeah.... after hearing how convincing Transformers was visually I bet a film would have al lot of potential if ya had the right cast and crew aboard. Uh-oh, did I start that dreadful thread again?
  11. Frakkin' Voltron?!
  12. OK dudes, I have been trapped in my house for the last 4 days due to having eye surgery. I am dying to see A LOT of stuff as soon as I heal up. So is this flick worth it?
  13. I had this at one time and I remember there being a problem with not going past a certain level. Fortunately, if this has been fixed, I still have the original game.
  14. From what my memory recalls from that episode... I believe you are right.
  15. Where can I buy this? Yes, I have a modded PS2.
  16. Been there, done that, bought a t-shirt and LOVED it!!!
  17. Didn't that guy kill himself while trying to worship the devil?
  18. New News: An army of online journalists recently converged on the Vancouver set of “Battlestar Galactica.” Media Blvd. covered the press event and came back with a couple of intriguing spoilers for the earliest episodes of the series’ fourth and final season, filming now. An excerpt: [Actor Aaron] Douglas revealed that the final 5 Cylons are in fact a different breed of Cylon than the human form versions that attacked the colonies. These 5 in fact are the original Cylon’s, are immortal, and are the Cylon Gods. Apparently, the repeating theme within the show, that all of this has happened before, and will happen again is going to be explored in the final season. But it was clear that the implications are that the Cylon’s rose before in the distant past of the colonies, and will rise again. This is especially interesting because “Galactica” mastermind Ron Moore is still keen to mount “Caprica,” a “Galactica” prequel series set about 50 years before Cylon War II. This series was supposed to deal with a Caprican scientist’s creation of the Cylons. Douglas’ assertions, though, suggest Cylons have been around a whole lot longer than 50 years. Another excerpt: In Season 4, according to those on the set, it will be revealed that the centurion models are capable of intelligent thought, but the human form Cylons have been suppressing that ability with a device implanted in the positronic brain of the Cylon’s that prevents them from reasoning, and keeps them passive. No one would go into further details, but apparently a number of Centurions have these devices removed, and the battle damaged set is the result of the confrontation between these Centurions and their human form Cylon Masters. SciFi will transmit a Pegasus-centric two-hour “Galactica” TV-movie titled “Razor” in November. The other 20 hours of the final season will hit SciFi next year. http://www.mediablvd.com/magazine/Magazine...7224329329.html
  19. NICE!
  20. Robotech Fan-"You just took out Robotech's Tommy Yune with a Cream Pie!" Khyron Prime-"Yeah... I was outta bullets."
  21. Looks like 2 douche bags to me.
  22. Gotta love Engrish. Try reading that bottom line as well. Cool poster... but it needs a Valk.
  23. Looks pretty cool... I'd like to see more though.
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