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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. They said the 5th and final Cylon once revealed would only seem obvious and would also really make sense considering their past from the beginning of the show.
  2. Yeah....WHO wouldn't like that!!! The 5th and Final Cylon? BALTAR!
  3. Cinemas in the New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas and Seattle markets will be holding free Nov. 12 screenings of “Battlestar Galactica: Razor,” almost two weeks before the movie hits the SciFi Channel. "Battlestar Galactica: Razor" hits SciFi Nov. 24. The extended, unrated edition of "Razor" hits shelves Dec. 4.
  4. I know some of ya know most of this but I thought I'd post this anyway: Fans who have been waiting since March for new episodes of “Battlestar Galactica” are going to have to wait a little longer. The Los Angeles Times now reports that “Galactica’s” fourth and final season, long expected to begin in January, won’t commence until April. This would finally explain why the series’ 3rd season DVD set won’t be out till April! Still up in the air is whether or not we’ll have to wait until 2009 to see the series’ final episodes. The Times also reveals that series mastermind Ron Moore plans to make his directorial debut on one of “Galactica’s” last 10 episodes.
  5. It woulda been cooler if they just did the 6 Billion Dollar Man.
  6. Damn... and I thought George Michael was making a comeback!
  7. Dude... he has no make up on and he already looks like Spock. He's been the best choice of the casting so far. And the casting overall is pretty good. The big announcement will be who lands the role of a young James T. Kirk. I'm no trekkie, but I gotta admit this sounds pretty frakkin' sweet so far.
  8. I do enjoy this show for what it is. It certainly isn't Galactica and I don't expect it to be however, it's not as intriguing, detailed, or as exciting as what I expected. It's a little generic and I do feel the writing lacks a bit. I also have noticed the effects have taken a little bit of a dive after the first 2 episodes. Apparently, they are having issues/controversy on which head writer is taking the reigns while David Eick is off polishing the final season of Galactica. Overall I do like the show, but if I miss an episode it's no big deal.
  9. OK you knuckledraggers... its Razor SPOILER TIME!!!!! Bullet points from a review of next month's “Battlestar Galactica: Razor” just posted at eclipsemagazine.com: * “Razor” focuses on two periods in Pegasus history: 1) right before the Cylons destroyed the Colonies and 2) 10 months later, when Lee Adama captained her. * Bill Adama's "early days" in Cylon War I only take up about four minutes of the movie. * The movie pays major homage to the 1970s “Galactica.” An excerpt: they bring back the original Cylons! The big tan “toasters” with the single roving eye, they even show us the original Cylon Base Ships, the original fighters, the original 3 seated Cylons (in the fighters) and we even get the original roving eye sound effect. SPOILER ONE: "The film briefly centers around a faction of Cylons whose purpose is to protect 'The Guardian,' it’s why we have the original Toasters back. The Cylon story really serves as a backdrop to everything else that goes on and doesn’t rear its head until the last 20 minutes. But pay careful attention to it, because in the upcoming season this is going to become a major subplot as the Cylons will face an internal war between the old guard and the new ones." SPOILER TWO: "At the end of the movie the Cylon 'God Guy' says 'That the crew must not follow Kara Thrace, she is the harbinger of the Apocalypse for the Human Race.' He also keeps repeating 'All this has happened before and will happen again, again, again….' BOOM!"
  10. Dude.... GNARLY!
  11. VERY COOL!!!!! May we get another 25!!!
  12. So can I get this at a Barnes and Noble?
  13. The companion? Am I missing out on something?
  14. News time: An excerpt from James Hibberd’s TV Week story about an Emmy-night SciFi Channel party: Most recently presumed a dead project, Sci Fi executives seem to have renewed enthusiasm for [the “Battlestar Galactica” prequel “Caprica”], especially with the looming prospect of losing [“Galactica” mastermind Ron] Moore following the conclusion of “Battlestar.” Additionally, the story confirms that SciFi is contemplating holding back “Galactica’s” final ten episodes until 2009 – a move that would apparently please NBC Universal’s accountants, even as it infuriates the show’s rabid fan base. TV Week’s source says SciFi will decide in January. Under this plan, two hours of the series’ final 20 hours would arrive in November as the “Razor” TV-movie, eight would begin unspooling in January 2008 and the final ten would reach their audience in 2009. Another excerpt: Moore’s storyline also could make fans demand rapid closure, one person close to the project says, since “when people see the ending of the 10th episode, they’re gonna freak out.”
  15. The PAC hover-tank from Battlefield 2142 kicks ass!!!
  16. Uh... remember these? http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?main_pag...roducts_id=1530
  17. Talk about milkin' it! Obviously they pick shows like Dr. Who and Flash Gordon over possible spin-off's like Caprica? And THEY know Galactica has such a following. If they keep this crap up I doubt I'll be watching the Sci-Fi Channel at all after Galactica ends.
  18. NEWS: From AICN Not sure if anyone has checked in from Atlanta yet, but I attended the Battlestar Galactica Q&A session this morning at DragonCon. Jamie Bamber (Apollo), Aaron Douglas (Chief Tyrol) and Richard Hatch (original Apollo, Tom Zarek) asnwered questions for an hour. They were very funny and we did learn a few things... The writers sequestered themselves in Utah to finish the series and even the three actors do not know how it ends. Douglas was originally upset to learn his character was a cylon, but a 90-minute phone conversation with Ron Moore changed his mind. Kara Thrace is definitely alive and back on the show. Lee will be doing more "civilian" things, confirmed by Bamber's longer hair and beard. Chief opens the season dealing (badly) with the news that he is a cylon. Douglas said that his hair (which is quite short) actually is growing back from early shooting of episodes for next season. And some bad news: There are 20 episodes in the final season and the plan now from Sci-Fi is to show 10 of them in Feb. of 2008 and then wait until Feb. of 2009 to show the final 10! Needless to say, the large crowd at the panel was not pleased considering the 18-month gap we are already enduring. [Actually, the last episode of season three arrived on SciFi March 25 of this year.] The actors actually ripped sci-fi, with Bamber saying that the channel is not used to producing high quality material and now that it has a hit, it doesn't know what to do with it. Douglas also mentioned that once BSG is done, he plans to move on and not do many appearances, so DragonCon could be one of his final con visits. I know some of the message boards are saying that the actors were joking about the final season being split between 08 and 09, but here is why some people might think that... Douglas, Bamber and Hatch were talking about the current gap in the show and one of them said that the plan was to split the final season between 2008 and 2009, a lot of people laughed and thought it was a joke and that they were ripping sci-fi. But then Bamber said "no, really. That's the plan right now." and then the audience groaned. So he may have been adding to the "joke" but that was not the impression I got. He even went on to say that that is how Sci-Fi essentially gets two final seasons for the cost of one.
  19. Any movie directed by Uwe Boll or Paul Verhoeven!
  20. Funny this came up. I saw part of this on a HD channel just last night. It actually made me go out and buy 2 copies... one to poop on, and the other to wipe my ass with. I vaguely remember this from when I was a kid. I discovered last night that it was even worse than what I remembered. Amazing that Star Wars laid down the blue print for films like this waaay back in 1977 and MOST sci-fi films STILL can't get it right.
  21. You couldn't GIVE me that thing for free!
  22. Wow... the quality of the animation in the film was great! I saw the movie earlier today.. LOVED it!!! Especially the stuff they could get away with in the theater like Bart's weiner, Marge saying "g-damnit", and Otto hitting up that bong! I actually haven't seen any regular series episodes in years, so I was surprised to hear that many of ya thought it had gone down hill. But then again, that happens to most long running shows. I just got a couple of the earlier seasons on DVD and have been watching some of my fav episodes to reminesce such as "Last Exit to Springfield, Mr. Plow, and 22 Films About Springfield." Classic stuff!
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