It's time for this show to actually start explaining some stuff, people that come back from the dead, black cloud, polar bears, submarines, The Real Dharma Program, etc.
Wow!!!! Just watched the entire episode on YouTube. I see so many references to the original Mac as well as Plus, etc. That was truly amazing. I can't wait to see the next ep. in April, or whenever we may get access.
I know this actually airs in Japan in April '08, but I've seen scenes on YouTube, etc. Is this 1st episode available on import/pirated DVD, etc. so I can get a copy? Anyone know? I dunno how to do any of that bit torrent stuff to view on my computer. I can't find any anime DVD site on the internet that is actually selling the DVD yet. Just makes me wonder how it got on YouTube.
Thanks Dude! I went to YouTube. Frakkin' A!!! Damn that was cool!!! When in the hell can we get DVD copies of that?!!! I need to stay on top of this!!!
I haven't been around in the Mac World for a bit, did you guys buy this on DVD or see it somewhere else? How can I get a copy? I've looked around and haven't found anything yet.
A new campaign for 2142 is going to start soon. Sign up at Weekly tournament battles every Sunday and pub action every night! We are also rapidly approaching the Frontlines release. There will be a tournament organized for that as well.
Oh yeah... there is also a 2142 ladder tournament that we play in an amateur league when we get challenged. Quick games/rounds that are a lot of fun. Anyone can PM me for any further info.
Actually I think Northern Strike IS worth it for the unlocks, especially the Boot (Shoe/Boot that allows you to sprint longer). Unfortunately for me, I can't get NS to work on my computer for some reason, so I'll have to call EA and see what's up. Probably a registration thing. Feel free to come on Team Speak via the website and ask anybody who's on.
I agree with the Multiplayer Macross game idea. You could choose any Valk, via unlocks, and collect ranks like Battlefield. I would hope it would be a PC and X-Box or PS3 game.
We use Team Speak. There is usually always someone on. Check out Practices are on Fridays, battles on Sundays. We have our own ranked server and our guys have made some AWESOME custom maps. We have been challenged and played against other Clans and so far we are 3-0. Sign up and choose your army. It's all FREE!
Hey... if anyone is still interested there is a GREAT Battlefield 2142 tournament group and website at I've been playing with these guys since last summer and they are very organized and FUN to play with. Battles are every Sunday and there are many of us that pub-play together every night. We also have our own ranked server and we are looking to start up a Frontlines Fuel of War tournament when it's released. C'mon in and check us out if anyone is interested! Feel free to PM me with any inquiries.