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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. The next 2 episodes are supposed to be real mutha's!
  2. That's called good writing...
  3. Gubaba...where'd ya get that avatar? That RULES!!!
  4. Man...after that article, I feel a bit enlightened.
  5. Tory... what a bitch!!! Goodbye Cally. Anyone notice that they actually made her look waaaay better in her last episode? Check out her pic on IMDB. She looks great. Cool episode. Obviously building to something.
  6. Anybody notice that as they mention the prequel "Caprica" that Admiral Adama's attorney father is always listed as Joseph Adams? I wonder what's with the name change? Didn't the Admiral send Lee his father's law books that were listed as "Property of Joseph Adama"? I believe that Romo Lampkin also referred to Lee's grandfather as "Joseph Adama".
  7. Rememer the "This is Animation books?" I'd pull everything outta that DYRL one.
  8. I tried to watch it and lost interest.
  9. Who knows what'll happen to Lee. I liked the way he said good bye to Dualla. Although he may not suit up this season, I have a feeling he may return to Military service eventually. I loved his visit with Starbuck. I did catch that nod from Adama to Helo. I just wasn't sure what to make of it. Head Baltar was AWESOME!!! Things are changing... like Helo said to Gaeta last season "There's a storm brewing." Katee Sackhoff said in a radio interview about this season that she didn't realize the show could get any darker. Tory is eventually to be relieved that she is aware of her identity. This frakin' show keeps getting better.
  10. FRAK!!! Now I'm jonsin' for tonight's episode!!!
  11. Looks like Dualla and Cally are missing from that pic. All the other couples are together...
  12. Here's one from AICN: “I can’t believe they’re not making the background actors sign confidentiality agreements,” “Battlestar Galactica” star Katee Sackhoff told KUFO-FM’s Cort and Fatboy on Friday in her first season-four interview with the Oregon radio duo. “I guarantee you right now Herc at AintItCoolNews.com is contacting everyone he knows in Vancouver,” Fatboy replied excitedly. “Anyone who has set foot on a set he is talking to right now.” As it happens I think the only person I know in Vancouver is “Galactica” producer David Eick; he told me last summer (SPOILER!!) they don’t get to Earth until the finale. But all background players in British Columbia and Greater Seattle are encouraged to make note of my email address: herculesaicn@yahoo.com. Other things to learn from the 27-minute chat: * Sackhoff offers another update on what she thinks of Ain’t It Cool. * She just got the script to 4.16 and says the series finale will probably shoot well into July. * “In Battlestar fashion, not everyone’s gonna make it.” * “I didn’t know 'Battlestar' Could Go Darker.” * While the background actors apparently have free rein, the foreground actors are being kept more in the dark than ever this season. * Bill Adama choking Kara Thrace this season was all Edward James Olmos’ idea. * A horrific ‘Bionic Woman’ mishap was momentarily thought to have placed Sackhoff’s ‘Galactica’ participation in jeopardy.
  13. I agree with just about everything you posted except for Kara. I don't think she is. I like your point about Roslyn and the blood. Looks like a lot will be shown about the past when the "Caprica " mini series debuts.
  14. Ya think Baltar will bust out with any musical numbers tonight?
  15. Tonight's the BIG night!!! Thank Gods the show is back. I just watched season 3 again on DVD while on vacation at my Grandparents house who are deeply Catholic. Funny how Baltar looks like my Grandfather's Jesus statue with that beard. I wonder if that means anything?
  16. I don't think Millia will ever worry about drowning!!!
  17. NICE... Claudia has a sweet pair! Good for Roy!!!
  18. ...and worth EVERY PENNY!!!
  19. VF-25 Maximus
  20. I had fun with it. I actually laughed out loud in a few scenes, but it was all in good fun. Exactly what I expected and needed. As far as 10,000 BC, EVERY person I talked to says it SUCKS!
  21. Eeeeewwwwwww!!!!! Damn ugly!
  22. I like that!!!
  23. If anyone is interested....
  24. EXACTLY!!!
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