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Everything posted by emajnthis

  1. The new Supra is going to have the same problem as the old Supra: no one is going to pay 50,000 for a Toyota (if you didn't know that's the same MSRP as the old Twin Turbo Supra), the Supra's weren't as great a seller's as people believed them to be. Also it's kind of silly paying 40,000 for a V6 model when you can get a 350Z for 10,000 less and soon the 450Z for almost the same price. As cool as it is that the Supra is coming back, I still find it ridiculous paying such an atrocious amount for what seems (from this moment) a mediocre car, doesn't a V6 convertible Supra just wreak of Solara? As far as i remember, Toyota had some great successes, but never were they actually top of their class in performance (WRX's and EVO's were always faster than the GTfour Celica's and the GT-R was always faster than the Supra, the MR2 was really the only thing that pulled away but then they gave it a rag top and a NA motor). I am anticipating their Lexus super car and hopefully they can start making all of their cars with a little bit of edge to them as opposed to the econo crap they've bit spitting lately.
  2. Looking at Mitsubishi's history, their only successful cars (that didn't blow up in one form or another) were the FTO (which never made it to America) and the EVO's (which we only got in the last few years) and even that is stretching it because the EVO 7 was a heavy piece of crap, that just loved to shoot rods through the block. Honestly i'm a little bit skeptical of Mitsu building an all aluminum chain driven turbo motor since this would be their first attempt at all aluminum and chain driven Inline 4. It took them how long to just get the 4G63 to not blow up? 20+ years? That's just a bit ridiculous to me.
  3. Turbo charging was actually a fortunate accident (like most modern technology) and if i remember correctly were first properly introduced on boats, and then applied to airplane motors. Even back in 1930's companies like Auto Union (now Audi) and Mercedes were pulling 600+hp for their Silver Arrow races. Using twin supercharged V12's and Turbocharged midmount inline Sixes.
  4. Also in Korea Hyundai actually has a different standard of quality to their cars. Like a lot of their cars come AWD as opposed to FWD and a few models come turbo AWD. I drove a third gen tiburon when they first came out and it was the most uncomfortable car inside. My elbows rubbed up against the doors and no matter what i did to the seat my legs always felt so awkward. It's actually pretty zippy, so people turbo or more especially supercharging them is not uncommon, but at the same time the interior is made of horribly cheap plastic and the GT model can only be bought with a sunroof.
  5. I've experienced the same thing with Toyota trucks. their great to kick around and do daily runs with, but are total crap when it comes to towing. I am impressed recently though with the Nissan Titan, that thing was built from scratch even with a scratch built motor, and everyone i talked to that owns one stands by them. It makes sense though when you look at how Nissan has restructured in the last decade (after almost having to shut down their US branch) and sticking to what they know best - performance. Toyota seems to have gone the way of Honda and have just gotten lazy in recent years because they know they can sell automobiles with their brand name and not a real quality product. I'll admit Toyota's will still last forever, that's more of a deal of QC and manufacturing, but their vehicles are very stale and boring, and not to mention perform awfully. I'm hoping in this coming decade wih the release of two sports cars and an entire revamp of their line up (The Vitz, Supra, LS-A, redesigned Tundra, etc.), that they're quality will be back up to par like it was in the 90's.
  6. that's definitely one way to put it... different...
  7. you got a killer deal on your 350! The 350's with the diesel are awesome, my dad was in the market for one to do some of his business work (avionics) but he just couldn't find one in his price range. When his budget expands with his business i really hope he gets one, the entire F series is unbelievably reliable contrary to the other stuff Ford makes (then again their trucks are the only thing that has kept them alive for the past 3 or so decades).
  8. I'm driving a Dodge Dakota SLT V8 as a rental and it does okay. It's pretty comfortable, but there's not much interior room, the center console is kinda stupid, and the V8 eats gas faster than any V8 i have ever driven. My dad's Lightning and my good friend's 250 were amazing trucks, if i could get a good price on one, i would take it in a heart beat.
  9. I've always been a firm believer in Ford trucks, it was just their Tire popping roll over SUV's that were having trouble up until about two years ago. Not to mention their crap out compacts until the Focus came around. It just seems like all of Ford's horrible crapiness has been close to resolved since Bill Ford took over, now all of they have to do is kill off Mercury and completely redesign Jaguar, and they'll have a company that's worth while again like it was half a century ago.
  10. Whenever i see >EXO< i immediately think EXO Squad.
  11. I ran a search and couldn't find anything, so if this is a rehash topic, feel free to delete it. Anyway, I was just curious as to what some of the user name's on here mean, and if there are any particular stories and purposes behind the name. If you haven't figured it out mine is emajn (imagine) this, but there are a few like >EXO< and JsArcLight, that just don't put together for me.
  12. Dude, I love old school Afla's, I so wish they would make a come back with RWD and AWD drivetrains and decent motors.
  13. I'm with you on that, when i first saw the Equilibrium trailer, it was right around the Matirx hype, so it gave you the feeling that it was just a Matrix rip off. Then when I actually watched the movie, it was the complete opposite; completely story driven, with great character depth. i'm hoping that the Ultraviolet commercials are misleading in similar fashion to the Equilibrium commercials.
  14. I think the first attraction to the show is definitely the animation style though, which was also my inital draw to the comic. It's not so much that i'm offended by the political agenda's and i understand how each character in the story is a symbolic element, but sometimes the symbolic elements aren't properly executed, so the comedy becomes shallow. The confusing part comes with the central focus, which is different from the Comic to the show, because the comic strip is just Huey spitting his media, while the cartoon tries to give character depth and symbolism. But in terms of it being offensive, i think everything just needs to be taken at face value and understand that for every white joke there are two or more black jokes.
  15. I think it's a good cartoon at face value, but they tend to go on these radical liberal agendas out of nowhere. It would be much more entertaining if they just stuck to the racial and cultural jokes.
  16. I'm almost positive i know who built that car. It looks like a car built by Callaway who's famous for their Callaway C12 (C5 Vette with all the fixins and a killer body kit) and their Callaway Twin Turbo B2K factory Vettes. This car in particular looks like he sent it to Callaway and had them make him a one off, but it has their signature "gills" behind the wheel wells which highly suggests this as a Callaway car.
  17. I would love to see the VF-2SS make it as a model kit (along with the 2JA and MS), but while we're on topic with designs that'll probably never make it as toys; i would love to see any company make both mecha's from Madox.
  18. So you're saying that Stamen's are the same as these? ... Sadly Mistaken
  19. All things considered Lambo still is second rate as far as performance cars compared to Porsche (as much as i hate to admit it), though i'll admit Porsche plays their 911 to death, everyone knows if both companies weren't so restricted by their atrocious amounts of pride and their VW partnership, they could crank out some of the meanest supercars on the road. In Porsche's favor, the Carrera GT was a pleasant mishap and a project in research and development for carbon fibre, imagine if they had actually put a full on effort into building a midengine V10 race car. Lambo is also under the tight rule of VW, so when you think about it, any arguement against Porsche and Lamborgini is like an arguement against Chevy and Pontiac... they're the same friggin company, what does it matter. I'm personally just angry at VW for taking the great efforts of those companies and canabalizing it for their own gain (gallardo V10 in the new S8, Porsche Touareg), but thus is business and economics.
  20. I'm very familiar with Eclipse transfer cases blowing out as EVERY friend i knew that owned a GSX eclipse had a blown out transfer case.
  21. That car definitely looks like a Ferrari inspired coachbuild C5 vette, very Scaglietti front end and TVR rear end. There's probably not a model kit of the SLR because it really wasn't that great of an achievement as far as super cars are concerned. Uses an off the shelf motor with a very uninspiring body, very lackluster compared to their F1 which is still coveted by many motorheads. Not to mention for less money you can get the more exotic and hotter performing Carrera GT, Ford GT, or F430 Challenge. If you really want a hot Mercedes i'd go for the SL65 AMG, that thing looks amazing and is a real marvel of design and engineering.
  22. My dad owns a flight avionics business and has an industrial milling machine that we put together not even a week ago. He's built a good number of instrument panels and various other things with it just to test it out. If someone could give me the run down on how to apply that to toy/model creation with compatible software, then i could see that as an easy cross over for my personal use. Also for FFT don't forget the Robot, Cloud, Beowulf, and the Dragon, so you get an extra 4 "secret" characters.
  23. no kidding; never waste a drop of guiness
  24. that was pretty funny
  25. I'm Firefly also
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