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Everything posted by emajnthis

  1. What's also interesting about heatsink systems is that heatsink solution will slowly dissipate as time goes on and generally needs to be replaced every couple years (every year ideally), so unless the systems are low voltage or in other words don't produce a lot of heat (like server and laptop processors), then you'll have to replace the heatsink solution every so often so the system doesn't eventually over heat sometime down the road. Hopefully by that time the system will be obsolete and not in frequent use anyway, but assuming that these modern systems will be sticking around for awhile, that should be something to consider.
  2. Leader Prime is that hard to find? My area couldn't get rid of them, in fact i made a sweep through my local Target and Wal-Mart just the other day and saw four Leader Brawls, two Leader Prime, two Leader Megatron, 4 UBB, but not a single deluxe CC BB. And for awhile my Costco had an entire 5 foot display of the Costco exclusive Leader Prime (at $35/piece). The only one i've wanted is that CC BB and while i'm able to find plenty of Arcee's, the CC BB's get picked off so quickly.
  3. Sure it wasn't the greatest thing, and the redesigned valks look like those chinese knock offs with all of the funny stickers on them, but all things considered it was a pretty neat fan production.
  4. LOL don't be so hard on yourself, best way to learn is trial and error. I can't tell you how many times i had to reinstall XP learning all of the .exe that are and aren't necessary, including running unmanned installs and all sorts of other Windows goodies; i think MS license activation had me on a first name basis for awhile.
  5. if all else fails, you can be very careful (i have experience with this from working on cars and using a drill, but i'd imagine the computer screw wouldn't be any different), grab a Dremel with a 1/16 bit and drill through the screw. You can measure the drill bit up to one of the other screws and then mark the drill bit to proper depth so you know you're not drilling too deep. After you drill the screw out you should be able to pry out the lid off without a problem and then remove the excess. Other thing you can do is get a sharp object (chisel or knife), and try to rescribe the head by laying the blade at an angel and chiseling your way (tap the handle of the chisel with a hammer) to rescribe the head; if its a phillips try to scribe one crossing of it and get at it with a flat head.
  6. You should contact do not disturb, he's been playing with rare earth magnets to get these things to stick correctly. I don't think he has made his way to the FP YF-19, but i'm sure he wouldn't mind providing you his input considering he's become a magnet nut recently.
  7. One of my co-workers helps with that too, though, i'm new to the company and already forgot his name I'll stop by his desk sometime and see if you might know him.
  8. You're in Fairfax? I live In South Riding/Chantilly, we should get together sometime. The GI Joe's normally stay well stocked at the local Target/Wal-Mart, Toys R Us usually gets picked off first.
  9. I noticed that too, but Scarlett's is the same way, a little glue should fix it up. My cross bow (well the bottom half anyway) stays very snug in the backpack, so i have no complaints there.
  10. That's really good news, because the custom they made looked awesome. The initial batch of the 25th anniv. Joe's were kind of mediocre (the cobra pack was vastly superior to the Joe pack), but owning the Beach Head figure has given me new found faith in the potential of this line. The only gripe with this figure (and this is only if you're really looking for something) is the grenade on his belt didn't flawless cast so it looks stretched out and flat on one side, and his boot knife looks weird. However, the complete range of motion (both elbows go 90 degrees, and his shoulders aren't as restricted as the previous batch), the separate index finger, and the accessories (crossbow attaching to the back pack and the pistol snuggly fitting into the holster), make him one of the most excellent figures to date.
  11. I picked up Beach Head; excellent figure, very detailed, and you can tell Hasbro is refining the parts fitment i.e.: the pistol fits into his leg holster seemlessly and they gave his right hand a seperated index finger to hold the trigger of his rifle. I no longer have to take my exacto knife to their index fingers to get them to hold their guns which is a huge improvement in my book. The rest of Wave 2 isn't my cup of tea, so i'll wait for Firefly in wave 3, and still be hoping for an eventual Alley Viper release.
  12. Edited: Researched it, it comes with PCI-E x16, you should be able to purchase the card azrael suggested and swap it right out.
  13. The Annex is a really nice addition, plus it's right next to my house. It seems to be more tightly packed with aircraft than the Air & Space Museum in DC, and the layout is way more spacious and easy to navigate. It's definitely worth the price of admission and is a fun trip for the kids too (lots of little displays and buttons for them to break). I never realized how thin the SR-71 was, that thing is INCREDIBLY low profile, it always looks so massive in pictures, but the thing looks like a tooth pick straight on.
  14. I got caught up on them about a month ago, and continue to follow it each week. They're pretty good, it explains where some of the characters are.
  15. I first saw these at Wal-Mart also, maybe two or more weeks ago. The only one i'm interested in is the series 2 Darkness figure. I wanted the Sara Pezzini figure but after seeing it in person decided to pass.
  16. That sucks 'cause i already bought it oh well, I'll just have to buy the cobra pack now too, might as well since i've already put my feet in the water.
  17. Love the new 6 styling; Lambo better have a twin Turbo V12 and be within the top 3 fastest cars in the world for a 1.6mil price tag.
  18. QFT, the screaming has always been a big problem with me too, it really turns what's supposed to be an emotional scene into something campy and laughable.
  19. My brother realized the same thing, so he took his apart, drilled holes throughout the case (especially around the CPU), purchased aftermarket fans, and used AS5 for thermal compound. The higher quality fans push air faster and quieter than the crappy fans they used.
  20. That's pretty cool, there are actually a handful of MW members that are local to you (myself included), maybe some of the local east coasteres could do something similar.
  21. v3 Snake Eyes was my favorite until some of the newer snake eyes were released, i would definitely like to see this version in 25th anniversary trim. The only other figure i really hope they make (since they're already making Firefly) is Alley Viper.
  22. I feel the same way, how disappointing them making SE blue. Now i might have to pick up the five pack just to get that one figure, maybe i can just pawn the other four to make up for the loss.
  23. Looks more like a Pontiac than a Lexus; The S-Type was the one Jaguar i actually liked and they completely ruined it, Jaguar needs to get their head out of their arse.
  24. "phpBB : Critical Error Could not connect to the database" ????
  25. i found this article http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/915821/42217 didn't have time to look through it to find an answer for your particular problem, but at a glance sounds like the PS2 and Router settings are conflicting (on one end or the other).
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