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Everything posted by emajnthis

  1. I was thinking of bringing some of my wife's ho ho ho's up with me this year since one of them has family in Jersey, but if i need to leave the jolly's back in DC, then so be it. I'll stop by Wal-Mart later tonight to see if anythings left.
  2. LOL, I actually have an extra MP SS, but like i said i won't be up in NYC until Christmas for delivery, plus the extra one i have is already opened and cleaned up (weathering is terrible on the MP SS), which is why i'm going to try and find you a minty one. It's no sweat off my back 'cause just like Chowser i have kids and have to frequent wal-mart for diapers and the like.
  3. It's also kind of fun to look for these kind of things, especially the MP SS because most people aren't finding them in the regular toy aisle, they're being found in the sporting goods and other weird random places, makes things a bit more satisfying when you actually find it.
  4. just let me know whenever, so i know when/if to start looking again.
  5. you think so? I only say that because the one wal-mart that ran out of them quick (in a neighborhood that's a bit more snobbish) had two shipments and ran out basically the next day after each shipment. I purchased mine from a lower income area wal-mart (which i think is the trick) and they had a whole shelf full of them.
  6. If he doesn't come through with your WM SS let me know; my local WM had 10 of them, and i'm sure they'll get more for the holiday season, only problem is, i won't be up in NY till christmas time. But if you want some insurance let me know and i'll go back on the hunt for an extra one for a christmas delivery.
  7. no V10 TT in the R8 yet eh? The new STI looks pug ugly in photos but actually looks pretty nice in person. I've been seeing quite a few new impreza's in my area and the proportions of the vehicle aren't bad at all, i still hate the front grill though.
  8. ^ agreed that dashboard is hideous; I love classic Mazda's, they're so damn pretty.
  9. yum, GT-R; Vector and their outrageous HP projections. He stated that his WX-3 was going to have 1200hp twin turbo V8, but it ended up only having like 800hp, so if he says it's going to have 1800hp, i would guess maybe 1000-1200. It seems very possible from such a large displacement twin supercharged motor.
  10. The trick in the statement they posted is, "the coupe's engine" they didn't state which engine. Getting 300hp out of a 3.8L V6 is easy, getting that out of a 2.0L I4 turbo is not so easy. So they're telling the truth, just depends which side of the truth you're rooting for. As far as it keeping up with the E46, doubt it highly, then again, they have some pretty fast cars in Australia so i wouldn't be falling out of my chair if they kept up with the E46 (they're lead designer and engineer are both Germans after all).
  11. wow, definitely has a full on FAST pack armor, very very cool.
  12. fixed version has a crotch that looks a lot more like the RAH Joe's, the non fixed looks like the crotch they used on wave 1. I could take pictures later to compare, but im pretty lazy
  13. I actualy like it, i can already see people modding the front fenders to make a functional brake vent to work along the contour lines (a la Ferrari 599GTB). I don't think the V6 is that great, but the idea of a RWD 2.0L turbo car immediately brings one car to mind; Nissan Silvia. With that in mind, i know for a fact that this car will find a very nice place in the marketplace.
  14. It did? I had a 1/72 19A and honestly i didn't put it into Gerwalk mode much (if ever) but i don't really remember if it did or not, i didn't think it had a locking mechanism in gerwalk.
  15. I still think that is the most beautiful real world air craft ever created.
  16. I'll probably pick up the Wave 6 SE also, but only because the one that came with my 5-pack has wobbly legs.
  17. torepedo is a definite purchase; might pick up the other three if i happen to find them in pursuit of other items.
  18. That's a shame, for a car with over 300HP they get pretty good gas mileage, i'm not in love with this car enough to want to get one, but it's definitely among the strongest in its market segment.
  19. wow, 0.3 seconds is a lot of time! So are you going to trade in Belldandy and pick up a Bullitt?
  20. I'm impressed by the little things they did to the motor and suspension, i'm just curious to how well these things translate in the performance numbers.
  21. What are they gonna do when they catch up to you? Or what if you just drive off road, it's not like they can follow you then, or run on foot; it'll take them so long just to get out of the thing, that by the time they do, you'll already be scott free
  22. The V6 is fine if you have no intentions of gaining additional power; I'm curious to see what 2.0L turbo they're using, is it an in house unit, or is it the knock off 4G63 build. Personally, i'd wait a couple years to see if they release a V8 RWD, and if they don't pick up the 2.L turbo model and then use all of the money you saved to pump some cash into the motor.
  23. Way to ruin the fun
  24. The transformation looks very YF-19 mixed with VF-1.
  25. I like the battroid a lot, still warming up to the fighter. I don't like the fish flipper gun pod though, looks like you could turn it around and fish slap someone in the face with the stock.
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