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Everything posted by emajnthis

  1. i listen to everything, that's not to say that i like everything, but there are artists from every genre that i like. I mostly listen to 70's and 90's (skip 80's except 80's stuff that made its way into the 90's) and lately lots of death metal and metal core. Daysend's latest is in the player right now, Ruskii and other Aussie's should be familiar with them, Australia has a lot of great metal bands.
  2. that's pretty funny, monster girl
  3. I just watched all 22 episodes in the past two days. Not exactly sure where this is headed but i think it definitely has some kind of tie in with Macross Zero hence all of the strong nods to that series in past episodes; i like the idea that the Vajra could be descendants of Shin/Sara.
  4. If your budget is paid for by the company why not go with the most money can buy? Get a Radeon HD4870 x2, a Blu-Ray Drive, Better PSU, etc. And i see your point with the SSD use for swap files, i don't think there are any benchmarks to support it being faster, but logically it should be.
  5. I've read different accounts of the 3G issue. I think it's a mix of network but also band switching, and I say that because when i had a BB it was HORRIBLE at band switching. I would always drop calls and lose my network connection because it couldn't switch its EDGE and GSM bands properly when driving between towers. I have a coworker who moonlights for Erricsson and his job is to literally do what the Verizon guy does in the commercials (can you hear me now?) except using software of course (TEMS, i have it flashed onto my phone, it's very cool). Him and i were talking about the 3G issue and he weighed in on it being the same thing, some phones when they're caught between towers have trouble switching bands and channels from one tower to the next so it may look like you have bars when you don't or your connection will abruptly drop out for no reason.
  6. I think that's kind of the point, everyone except verizon and sprint are GSM, even globally GSM is the general standard, not to say that CDMA doesn't exist, but it's always in smaller capacity compared to GSM (The US and Canada are the only slow adopters to GSM). Which is usually why GSM gets all the cool phones before CDMA, and most of the cool CDMA phones are adapted GSM phones. The hardware research and manufacturing to turn a GSM phone into a CDMA phone isn't cheap, and historically takes awhile. Apple probably wants the iphone adapted to CDMA, it could just be (like with the RAZR) they want to do it without compromising its inherent feature set and more importantly QC. If anyone can recall the RAZR debut for Verizon, that phone was 10x more problematic than the GSM model, and that's saying a lot 'cause the GSM model was CRAP (then again Moto's in general are crap). I think for the CDMA iphone it's more of a matter of when than why.
  7. definitely picking up technoviper, and if they make alley viper, then i'm pretty much done with Joe's for a while.
  8. i wouldn't get an N96 but i wouldn't get an iphone either, not much my style, but i think other countries may have it branded to a carrier which would put it at a closer price point to the iphone than the US. I'm not crazy about all in one phones, mostly because a jack of all trades is a master of nothing, so you get a mediocre phone, with a crappy camera, EDGE instead of 3G, no enterprise support, and an awesome music player (or any variation), instead of getting an awesome phone/camera/music/3G/enterprise support/etc. Admittedly the gap is slowly closing, but just when i think a device has it all, it's missing something to make it perfect (like phones going back to LED flash instead of Xenon flash for cameras, interface bugs, price, business options, lack of 3g, no a2dp etc.). I'd rather own a phone that is a great camera/music/phone and then leave the rest up to a high quality netbook like the new Lenovo S10.
  9. Mustang's in a straight line are a strong combination of good/short gearing, low end torque, and broad power through the first 3 gears and when compared to your car, it's RWD and manual (which i think are actually stronger arguments to a faster vehicle). The X6, eventhough it's a sport SUV uses a twin turbo 4.4L V8, so quite frankly, i would expect it to be fast even if it does weigh almost 6000lbs. The Challenger is just pitiful, and to compare it's performance to the italian marque's isn't saying much as the 599GTB and DBS are fast but the 599GTB isn't a flagship car like the Challenger, and the DBS is an Aston Martin, they're both status over performance cars (the AM more so than the 599). And .9 and 2.3 seconds doesn't sound like a lot of time, but that's a LOT of distance.
  10. No way man, they totally did that so it would be aerodynamic... in space.
  11. With as great as the device is it still lacks many features that are standard on all similarly priced phones, i guess that's the sacrifice for interface and form factor.
  12. to further elaborate, your phone also requires that you have support for A2DP (stereo bluetooth) otherwise you'll have this nice expensive stereo bluetooth headset that you'll be listening to in mono (although if your phone doesn't have a2dp it probably wont' let you listen to music on your bluetooth anyway). My phone has bluetooth 2.0 with EDR support but no A2DP so i can pair it up with bluetooth 2.0 devices and get the more powerful bandwidth, but i'm SOL if i want to listen to music via bluetooth since i don't have A2DP. Also, if you plan to get a bluetooth module for say a netbook or a laptop, go with the newest bluetooth standard 2.1 as it supports encryption and a slew of other cool stuff.
  13. I saw the new Millenium Falcon at Wal-Mart the other day, that thing is HUGE, but it still looks ill proportioned to me, plus i have nowhere to put it.
  14. It's probably just the manufacturer estimate, it'll probably smoke those times by a large margin if you wanted it to. The outgoing RS6 hit a 4.2 0-60 with C&D behind the wheel, but most other mags could only get a 4.5. My guess is it probably has taller gearing since it's German and plus being twin turbo puts a lot of the HP at higher RPM even if the torque is all down low. Let's just hope Audi keeps it stateside for more than one year unlike the old RS6.
  15. What is American car manufacturers obsession with putting gauges in places that you can't possibly see. They put gauges where you typically have cup holders, how frustrating.
  16. Even Bat(e)man himself can't save this movie. Bale has done some great films, but he also did Reign of Fire so it wouldn't hurt for him to have a couple more crap films under his belt for good measure.
  17. Plus the new Maxima is finally going to have some real power squeezing 290hp out of the VQ this year. I think they're trying to get it back to it's roots since the last two generations have strayed tremendously. Also like most modern era Nissan's, the Maxima is something to behold in person as the stance is more aggressive and the fender lines are more prominent, and of course the interior a la Infiniti is very nice. I think Nissan has some good years ahead of them, they really walked into a wall in the mid-late 90's but they've since dug themselves out of the hole to rebuild a respectable lineup.
  18. If Ford ever gets off their arse and releases the Falcon 6ge turbo domestically then i'd recommend you buy that. I love the GTO, but it's always nice having four doors and five seats so i'd go with the G8 GXP especially since it's supposed to get that kickin' 402hp LS3.
  19. I disagree with the M3 over the GT-R, if i were to buy a 3 series i'd skip on the M3 and pick up a 335 or even go down a notch to the 135, i just feel like the M3 lacks the raw performance that made it famous. As far as which is more "exotic" i find the GT-R much more menacing than the M3, it's a car that has to be seen in person to be appreciated where the M3 looks like a riced up 3 series the GT-R has a very refined look from back to front and in person there is no chance you'd mistake it for any other car on the road. And as far as C&D rating the M3 above the GT-R, C&D has the most bias rating system ever, they said the GT-R bested the ACR Viper, 911 GT2 and ZO6, granted i feel it's a cut above the ZO6, but as far as performance it has nothing on the ACR or the GT2 and yet C&D said it was better than both. Quite frankly the ACR and GT2 are race cars, the GT2 doesn't even have A/C or carpet floors, but somehow they threw them into the mix with the GT-R and they both lost in the "comfort" and "ride quality" categories.... they both don't even qualify for those categories so they basically gave free points to the GT-R. Anyone who is a subscriber to C&D knows that they have to be getting paid under the table since apparently BMW's beat everything that ever existed, i usually ignore their "reviews" and go straight to the spec sheets.
  20. that's only for the JDM GT-R, USDM is not governed, a good number of US models have already been delivered and the people at NAGTROC.org that own them have had nothing but praise for it so far. I notice the members that own JDM models in Singapore and Japan have had a few problems but they're due to them being first releases that had an out of date firmware for the ECU. The good news is all of these bugs have been worked out in preparation for the US release, so for once, the States DOESN'T get screwed when it comes to a Japanese sports car. Edit: Also the other advantage the USDM GT-R has is being left hand drive. That would normally be a stupid thing to say, however, the GT-R uses two drive shafts one that runs down the center of the vehicle to the transaxle and another from the transaxle to the motor that just so happens to run down the right side of the vehicle. Obviously there's inherently more weight on the right side of the vehicle from the extra drive shaft and trans weight but this weight is balanced out on the USDM model by having all of the steering hardware on the left side of the vehicle (along with the driver if you generally drive solo).
  21. You should setup the figs underneath as if they're being blown away due to the 21's Speed; time to break out the flexi displays.
  22. i like the older ones better, the newer ones got soft IMO, offering a Targa option? that's ridiculous. I originally had High hopes for the NSX, but after they revealed it to be FMR just like the new LF-A (they both have a lot of the same styling cues too) there's nothing about the NSX that holds interest, might as well get a GT-R or wait it out and get the newer V-Spec Nissan has in the works. It sucks that your wife made you get rid of your NSX, we've all been there, for me it wasn't marriage it was children, after building that MR2 GT i haven't owned a sports car since. I'm hoping to break that streak in about two or three years, have a serious eye aimed at the GT-R or possibly a new RX-7 if Mazda actually decides to build it.
  23. I liked the NSX better when it was going to look like this I'm not a fan of the direction the next gen NSX went, it's too much like the LF-A, plus i'm not a fan of V10 configurations since no company has created a naturally balanced V10. Companies use 90 degree bank angles instead of the naturally balanced 72 degree bank angle which means balance shafts are used to harmonically balance the motor. It's often done so they can get more bang for the buck (building a V8 from a V10 a la BMW, or building a V10 from a V8 a la Audi/Lambourghini) when it comes down to production costs and R&D for the block. There's no reason that Honda should be building a 90 degree V10 since they have to build 72 degree V10's for Formula 1 and other sports all the time, there should be no reason that a production V10 should be any different especially since it'll be such a low volume car anyway, that is unless they plan to develop a V8 from this motor (which i kind of hope they do then having a 90 degree V10 is excusable).
  24. those five packs are awesome, and with individual joe's hitting the $8 mark, makes it worth skipping on the single packs and going for the comic, DVD and five packs.
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