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Everything posted by emajnthis

  1. Out of all of the new domestic cars, the only one that really interests me at all is the G8 GXP. I think as far as build quality, style, engineering, power and practicality is concerned, it trumps the rest hands down. The new Camaro has been overly advertised, for a car that has gotten so much press, GM is just dragging their feet releasing it. By the time it hits show rooms nobody will care and will move on to better things to spend their money on. The new Mustang isn't really "new" either, the interior still has crappy seats and the center console still uninspiring. At first i didn't like the tail lights, but after further inspection of all of the photos, i think that's the only part i like since they gave it a separate turn signal, the rest of the car is just a face lift, and the entire side of the car remained exactly the same. Challenger is a very cool car but can't carry itself on looks alone and loses big time in the value category. Most people who want a Challenger are willing to hold out for the Camaro... but then will get bored waiting for the Camaro and buy something else.
  2. by shop tools, i mean literally just that, shop tools. My buddy hooks a power flusher machine up to just about anything and can flush it out in a matter of seconds and then refill fluid with no air bubbles in another couple of seconds (this was great for doing my brakes, literally took him 10 minutes, most of that time was just getting the wheels off). Pneumatic wrenches, I know you can pick these up at home depot but they're really expensive, it's nice not having to front the bill for such tools. Three piece lift, he has a main lift, which doubles up as an engine and transmission lift, that in and of itself is time saved. Alignment Tool, he has an alignment machine (disks and computer)... i don't have an alignment machine Tire mounter and infrared balancer; don't have one of those either. I could go on; some of the less specific things like pneumatic wrenches, and a tig welder i have access to at my dad's airplane hangar (he's an airplane mechanic), but the other stuff is way too expensive for the commoner to afford so i'm quite grateful for these things being available to me.
  3. Streetfire has it at 7:45, but i don't think there's been an "official" run performed by the F1, I would really like to see it take its best go with a world class driver and fair weather conditions. Link I used to have a link that had their list more updated, the wiki list is kind of jacked up since anyone can update it.
  4. I know what you mean! I grew up working on cars with my dad in the garage with a couple of jack stands (or cinder blocks) and your typical mechanics set of ratchets and what nots. But since meeting my good friend who works at a Good Year (and my other friend at a Nissan dealer) i'm completely spoiled by high grade shop tools. A job that would normally take my dad and I several hours now takes about 20 minutes with shop tools. Of course, the male bonding and strong sense of accomplishment isn't there, but when you have two (soon to be three) rugrats pulling at your sleeve for your attention, you realize that free time is a bit more important (at least for now). I can't wait until my kids are old enough to change oil and swap out brake rotors
  5. the F1 ran it a long time ago but it did well for its time, i think it got somewhere in the 7:40's. I'm waiting on the GT-R Spec-V, latest press states that it should shave around 200lbs and gain nearly a hundred HP (which sounds like a lot but there are performance comp. already passed that mark), plus some other noted refinements all around. This is all starting to get a bit ridiculous if you ask me, while i respect the idea of proving the worth of your vehicle, i don't know a single person who will actually push their car anywhere near its actual limits, but it sure makes for some fun bragging rights at the stop light. As far as the Genesis coupe, i think it's a slick car; unfortunately, it weighs a bit more than i was hoping it would, but it kind of stands alone in its market at the moment so Hyundai will probably sell a crap load of them. Nissan is supposed to come out with a Silvia/240SX successor so hopefully the Genesis is met with some competition in the next couple of years.
  6. Staind - Everything Changes I used to change my ringtone every month or so but i'm too lazy to do that now.
  7. that head sculpt is way off
  8. I always felt a young Stallone held a remarkable resemblance to Fury, but that's just my opinion; plus they're going with the Ultimate universe Fury it seems, which to me is kind of a let down since it's not as iconic (it being new and all).
  9. I'd still hit it
  10. i'm on the fence about a new season, i love the idea of more red dwarf, but didn't like the direction the last two seasons went. I didn't mind kochanski as eye candy though, definitely pleasant to watch in her tight outfits.
  11. If you're just changing your brake pads, you're not even going to be under the car; any cheap pair of jack stands that supports your vehicles weight will do just fine. Realistically, just about any jack stand will work fine as long as you place the stand in the right spot; i've seen people place them on a soft point of the car and have them nearly put a hole through the chassis (along with the car almost falling on top of them). Changing an exhaust out sucks, i'm lucky enough to be able to use my buddy's shop lift for any major under carriage work, but i've had to change one out before using regular jack stands and it's no fun.
  12. I take it as a blessing, it just means someone can modify the crotch piece to have the legs sit lower like the model kit and have it be 100% accurate.
  13. i can smell the revoltech already
  14. With the close up pick it's pretty obvious you don't need any cable management, all of the hot bits are away from the cables and have appropriate air flow, you need to get me a job with your company so they can "sponsor" my next computer purchase.
  15. that's friggin awesome, makes me wish i had money for a new rig.
  16. i'm not a big fan of the new characters, they look less street fighter and more guilty gear or samurai spirits.
  17. those were different actors, the guy from Talledega nights and street fighter is Michael Clarke Duncan, the guy from TDK is Tommy Lister
  18. finally watched 1.0, it wasn't bad, pacing felt rushed in some places and too slow in others but overall i think it'll sell lots of merchandise.
  19. I made it about half way through Seven and lost interest, I've been told it's one of those series that you have to bite the bullet through and it grows on you, but i just had to take a break. I don't even think it was the characters (though i was getting really sick of Basara) but all of the recycled and inconsistent animation wasn't doing it for me. In all fairness i'm sure it wouldn't have been bad if i were watching it on a weekly basis as opposed to back to back, but i'm sure i'll revisit it soon. Plus was awesome, but i think I watched it too many times and am completely burnt out on Plus. I wasn't too fond of Myung, and I felt the whole post traumatic stress disorder with Guld was kind of stupid (not so much the disorder itself but everyone's surrounding behavior and it's ultimate "fix" i felt needed more thought). Nothing touches the original as far as substance, i'm glad Frontier is here because it allows Macross to come back into the limelight, sell some merchandise, and hopefully it'll pave the way for some more Macross in the near future, but as far as actual story and characters, i'm in it for the merchandise.
  20. well, technically, Alfa is owned by Fiat who owns Ferrari... so it's like a distant cousin to Ferrari
  21. My sentiments exactly; after about the eighth time of hearing Sheryl repeat her name i was ready to just skip all of the character driven scenes. The over-masculine Ozma was exhausting but since they refused to give him any real screen time it's not like they could actually "develop" his character, which then brings us to the useless characters who were removed from the series about as fast as they were introduced. If this series was about 10 or more episodes longer, I think there could have been some real character development and something to really attach yourself to, but unfortunately that didn't happen.
  22. I agree with DA, the dub is unbearable, the sub is actually not bad at all. You can tell the first four episodes were meant to open a longer tale but with their budget getting cut the series fell flat in those last two wrap up episodes. I think the series would've been better received if the Macross wasn't modified and subsequently destroyed. The mech designs were fantastic and if Bandai would have exploited those designs with merchandise the series probably would have been funded, but since it's not Gundam, Bandai isn't selling it (where's my Eureka 7 merchandise Bandai!?).
  23. I didn't really feel an attachment to any of the characters Sheryl included, they were all kind of boring or annoying in some way or another. I voted Ozma; he got shot down Fokker style and survived, that's at least worth something, it sucks he didn't get more screen time towards the end of the series.
  24. Elvis, JFK, and Bubba Ho-tep
  25. not bad, interesting interpretation of the Mandarin, i also would've preferred him to not be a angst filled tween. At least have him out of high school, but i guess they need some kind of ploy for its target audience. Hopefully we get some good merchandise out of this.
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