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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. AHHHHHH My eyes!! They burn, they burn!!! Seriously, though, it looks OK in car mode, but that robot....blech....
  2. Hah, lol, you've got a point there..... Hey, anyone else notice that the HWS looks a lot like RX-78 NT1 without armor? Especially the legs?
  3. Yeah, where is leb?
  4. Not only was there nothing wrong, there was everything right!!!!
  5. Hey, Graham, do you, like, get a discount, on yamato stuff? Or do they, like, give them to you? Or do you just pay full price and spend huge amounts of money on Yammies?
  6. BTW, just for clarification, Sildani's post, which I replied to, was asking if it were possible to fix a broken VF-11 hip. SOmeone should fix that.
  7. ............... You sick SOB......... all i can say, is..... HELL YEAH!!!!!
  8. At least they were closer to not being jailbait. Mao is what, 12?! Yeesh! Vostok 7 Woah, you're right! She's 11!!!
  9. Woah, you're right! the Max, BTW (probably the other skulls too) have only one of each number.
  10. mmmmm....Mave........
  11. Ninja Member say: "Green haired one you speak of is cute, but safe. She no Millia." Vostok 7 See??? I told you that ninja emote was Juinpei!!!
  12. Fairy Air Force? WTH is this? It's gotta be Battle Fairy!
  13. Yeah, but the FiX is arounf 40 bucks, plus shipping, whereas the MSiA is what, 12 bucks?
  14. Turn-A is a great series! Just because the title MS is ugly (I actually sorta like it) doesn't mean the series is bad at all.
  15. I think this is just a unique anniversary bird.
  16. Recent??? Are you sure it's not Lala from MSG? That's exactly what I thought! Or possibly Four from Z.
  17. The only person I really communicate with off the boards is Areaseven, whose branch of PC club I often shop at. I've also talked to MaxJenius81 a few times.
  18. Lookin' good.
  19. Gotta agree on that. It'd pretty cool to do that with a model, now that I think about it...
  20. 1/48: 1 (Max) 1/60: 3 (skull trio) 1/72: 1 (YF-21 FP) The 1/48 is actually my little brother's , but I listed it anyway. And I'll have a Bulky Lee, soon enough.
  21. Hey, I was wondering, I want to make mine 303. I know you can't do that with max's stickers (only one 3), but does Bulky Lee have the stickers? I heard something about extra numbering stickers...
  22. I'll probably pick one up myself. I want a Hikaru, but with the Max improvements. this'll take care of that.
  23. Looks pretty good. Nice painting, and the scheme itself is cool. Only thing is, it should be in the toys section.
  24. Looks pretty nice. A lottle too squared, though. But, I'm sure that'll be corrected.
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