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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. Lookin' pretty nice.
  2. I totally agree. I'd love some Zentraedi capital ships on my desk. It's actuallt be pretty cool to have them not as models, but as diecast display ships, like the semi-recent bandai Arcadia and Yamato. Edit: typo
  3. This brings up an interesting point. In the new layout, where do contest threads go?
  4. Wedging the gun up against the shoulder and or the chest helps. Yeah, that's about what I did. Strangely, I also find that the BFG is easier to hold without the armor on. It gives the MS more arm mobility, to support the gun. So I have my HWS using the normal rifle and funnels, and my old Nu (who, thanks to a parrot-related incident, is missing his V-fin) is using the BFG in sniping pose. One complaint I have about the HWS, BTW, is the big shield. It's so heavy that the part that holds it on the arm can't stay up, and the shield sags.
  5. The Zakus are part of a new Fix spin-off line called Zeonography, which will be a series of those bitchin' Katoki MS designs that aren't Gundams. Here's hoping for a Dom Funf!
  6. Does anyone remember those things from the mid-90s that were little planets that opened up and had little soldiers and mechs that you could set up in battles inside them? I think they were called War Planets? This thing bears an uncanny resemblance to those.
  7. I realide that the site had become innundated with idiocy, but there were still intelligent threads that happened regurlarly. I really wish there was an MW of Gundam.....hey! I should ressurect the old site I used to work on! I always planned to make it the MW of gundam, anyway.
  8. Um, actually, they do come with candy, a single piece about the size of a stack of quarters.
  9. You probably saw areaseven's thread, which contained my more extensive review. I'd guess you'd have to look online, I can't even find them anywhere anymore.
  10. I seriously do hope it's mistransformed, like some of you guys said, cause if it's not.......
  11. When applying decals do not run cold water on the entire sheet of decals. (Just explained this to my 7 year old son, so I thought I would share the wisdom! ) "My boys so bright, I call him son" Man, you think that's bad, the other day, I accidentally knocked a glass of water over onto a decal sheet. Thankfully, it was only a cheap sheet from a kit I bought for kitbashing parts, but still, I won't make that mistake again.
  12. You're not likely to see enemy mecha, because of the nature of Japanese fans. Unlike americans, who love to have every little minor character and mecha, the Japanese fans generraly prefer to only have the main characters. That's why there are so many more Gundam kits than Zeon or CF feddie kits. (Except in the HGUC line, which exists to make obscure and unpopular mecha.)
  13. Personally, I can make it through about one DVD worth of eps, 4 or 5, but not more than that.
  14. Yeah, but it's merely a shadow of its former self. Besides, the loss of G.com really hurts cause it was the only big forum for gundam stuff. (In english, anyway)
  15. Man, this thing looks great in fighter! I do agree that the head needs work. It looks a bit too small in battroid. Oh, BTW.... 1st to 100!!!!!!!
  16. I do like the idea that Hasegawa could detail it like the club-m, but at the low price of injection molding.
  17. I dunno about the scheme. I've always liked it in standard colors. This grey looks a little primer-ish.
  18. I like the whole MS-girl thing, but I recall not liking the sculpt of this one.
  19. Is there any way to automatically resize images? Or maybe a maximum image size limit?
  20. That has to be the greatest term for 1337 speak i've ever heard!!!!
  21. Might not be a bad idea, actually. If not IRC, maybe we could organize a regular AIM chat.
  22. I've really been wanting to see this series. Guess it's another for the list of things to buy...
  23. The last of the great gundam sites, after the departure of Gundam Project and Newtype Asylum, Gundam.com, has ceased to be. Gundam fans around the world will mourn it for some time, at least I will. Just thought i'd mention this...
  24. I saw the dub at Otakon, and I gotta say, it was pretty awful. The show itself wasn't too bad, though.
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