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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. Iwatas are very hard to outdo. I really like mine, although I wish it was a gravity and not spihon feed.
  2. As I recall, the Marasai was developed for the AEUG, but AE had to give it to the Titans when they found out about it.... Maybe that didn't happen in this version?
  3. Every Candice I've ever known was asian.... I'm looking for a name for my upcoming Spec V myself. Always liked Kitsune, both for the name (and meaning) and the character. I do have a title for my car, though: Kuroi Kaze. (Black wind) My S14 was titled Shiroi Kaze (white wind), so it only makes sense.
  4. It does seem to take heavy influence from Mac Plus. I didn't really realize it until I saw the trailer full-size, but the cinematics of the planes are obviously heavily M+ influenced.
  5. I was there. The Black Mages were awesome! I liked the Sephiroth theme with the black mages involved, as well, despite not liking FF7 much. I wish he'd played Locke's Theme, from FFVI, though, which is IMO the best song in FF history.
  6. Ahhhhh! Must....get.....in......to...E3!!! I'm considering trying to go and just walk in (hey, always works for me in restricted pits at races...), but I'm afraid I'm gonna end my day smashed and on a plane with a one-way ticket to Tokyo. Yes, but then you'll make friends with a ninja, buy a Cool Thing, and go insane. And everything looks more interesting when you're insane. I don't even want to start thinking about the psychotic robot girl/PS2 accessories and the manipulative goth chicks....
  7. Ahhhhh! Must....get.....in......to...E3!!! I'm considering trying to go and just walk in (hey, always works for me in restricted pits at races...), but I'm afraid I'm gonna end my day smashed and on a plane with a one-way ticket to Tokyo.
  8. Haha, I just got Rainbow Six 3 on mine. What service do you have, I didn't see a lot of NES games on Sprint. I have a Treo 650, Cingular service. All I have is an NES emulator program that runs on Palm OS... I can play any and all games. I think I have like 30 games on it. Ah, I had a Treo 600 for over a year, liked it, but the wireless functions crapped out and I was just past warranty.
  9. I think a better question would be how many Cube exclusive games were M rated, not how many overall.
  10. Screen is obviously much smaller, just look at the cart next to it.
  11. Do we have a launch date yet?
  12. Haha, I just got Rainbow Six 3 on mine. What service do you have, I didn't see a lot of NES games on Sprint.
  13. 90% of the big SUVs I see are women who can hardly see over the dash. I'm scared I'll see these on LA streets, all blinged out and such. I actually saw a Continental CXT the other day, I was horrified.
  14. GT5 looks awesome, by the way. Over 20 cars on track at once....
  15. Actually, if you've got a local Fry's, Initial Release is a good time. For the first week or so, at least with PC games, Fry's prices them at $40, or even sometimes as low as $35, for a brand new $50 game.
  16. I wonder what's under that panel next to the DVD slot? Looks like it swings up. By the way, it's been noted that the new controllers are quite small. By comparing it to the slot, it appears it's not much bigger than a DVD.
  17. I don't like the PS3s design. They've made it impossible to put in a stack of A/V equipment, which is one of the features I really liked abotu PS2. They're also using a slot DVD drive, instead of a tray, which means fun when your CD gets stuck in there. Also makes putting a fliptop on very hard.
  18. Haha, anyone got an E3 pass I can get in on? I missed my chance to go last year, and still regretting it....
  19. Beautiful Corolla, it's rare to see one that's built for road racing as opposed to drift in NA these days, but when one appears, there's nothing like it. I'm so used to seeing stripped out, beat up, spray painted flat black, etc, ones, that it's awesome to see that some are still like this.
  20. The Buddhist symbol is the mirror image of the Swastika. I believe it's also normally portrayed as if it was sitting flat on one side, rather than tilted, right?
  21. I'm a big old-school fan myself. I love the early Datsun roadster, the one that came right after the first Fairlady, I believe. I'm also a big 240Z fan. Before our meets got closed down (too many idiots started showing up and doing donuts, burnouts, etc), there was a beautiful, restored, "Daruma" Celica with a full TRD racing setup, the car was awesome.
  22. I believe it's less that Zeon is based on the Nazis specifically, and more that they represent the entire Axis powers of WWII. It's always been obvious that MSG was based on WWII (and Star Wars, but that's a story for another time...). However, in terms of stylistic cues, the Zeons do borrow very heavily from Nazi Germany, and who's to blame them, they do look pretty cool...
  23. Hmm, there's a Gyu-Kaku in LT, I'll have to try it next time I'm down there... In terms of Nozawa... Citysearch InsiderPages Thread with some discussion Nozawa's restaurant also made the front page of the NY Times at one point. One thing to note, though, this place is VERY traditional. The people who don't think his restaurant isn't as good as it really is haven't learned what truly makes good sushi. The fish is nothing but the best, the rice is perfect (one guy complained about it being warm and not as sticky as he wanted, that's the true sign that it's fresh, and very well made), and when his sushi has any kind of sauce, it's to die for. You'll find no imitation crab, avocado, or cream cheese anywhere in his sushi, and, while a lot of people seem to prefer such blasphemy, Nozawa sticks to the simple formulae, and excels because of it. It's arguable that some of what you find at a "fusion" restaurant like Matsuhisa can, at times, be better, but it's not as simple, traditional, and pure as Nozawa's. Some reviews mention Katsu-Ya, which is also a very good restaurant, but the sushi pales compared to Nozawa's. They do have the advantage of serving food other than Sushi, though.
  24. Not as hardcore as Nozawa. Sit at the bar, and he'll almost never let you order. He personally goes to the market every morning, and makes what's good. If you're at a table, or at the bar, don't think of trying to order a California Roll, Spicy Tuna Roll, or anything like that, as you'll be booted before you know what happenned.
  25. I sat in one at Blackbird Park when I was a kid, don't remember too much, though. They had a panel blocking all the instruments, so nothing was visible.
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