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Commander McBride

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Everything posted by Commander McBride

  1. Woah, I like the way the heatshield works.
  2. Hmm, this gives me an idea..... Low Viz VF-19!!!!!
  3. I'm not a Bandai fan, but I'd buy a reissue Elint and Super O. If companies are gonna reissue old figures....... I want a reissue clover Gundam!!!!
  4. I'd like a 1J myself. I disliked it foe a long time, but recently, I've really started liking it.
  5. I remember exactly what I said when I first held one: "i gotta get me one of these!"
  6. The guy on the second post even got pissed at me because I asked him nicely to re-edit his post in simple plain English. DOunds to me like that huy has some kind of serious disability.....
  7. He's pretty cool. He's got some form of simple AI (it's clearly more than simple programing), and he talks to you. He can also roll back and forth and flap his ears.
  8. Same here. I'm not gonna pay 80 bucks for one of these, especially with it going to HG. When they hit, what, 30, i'll get them.
  9. I think mine needs new batteries, he stopped working. It's not as if I know what the little SOB is saying, though.....
  10. I have one!!!!! Well, the 1/4 Digital Mascot series interactive one, anyway.
  11. I'd buy a little Jetfire. But jetfire, of course, was never a transformer in Japan...
  12. I've heard several HCM horrific ends to their molds; fire is a new one to me. I've heard that they were stored improperly and heat had warped the molds and another one was it was left under the sun. If Bandai had to do it all over again they should get rid of the swing bar transformation and implement the new Yammie's 1/48 version on their 1/72. Well back to the topic at hand, Bandai should release (patiently waiting) for their 1/72 destroids kits. I can't see myself buying an $80 to $100 for these lack luster kits. If they don't listen to fans then I hope they give up the licence and give it to Hasegawa. I've heard some of those, too. My favorite, though, is the one that asserts that someone dropped them and they broke!
  13. I've hot the valk, too, but it isn't FS2004 compatible. None of the moving parts work.
  14. Damn....man, if you haven't already, you should consider being a surgeon!. That detail has got to require one steady hand.
  15. What I thought was funny is when the guy from Anime News Network got mentioned!
  16. rrrrrghhhh. DigitalPose is being an ass. I'll post more when it decides to work. Oh, BTW, just thought I'd mention, anyon einterested in these should pick up the Sep. Dengeki Hobby, it includes a special edition Titans Test Team GM.
  17. I still want that TV Max 1A.
  18. The HCMs will never be released. IIRC, the molds were destroyed. (In a fire, I believe, but it could have been something else)
  19. That Allclad is really great stuff. I've seen how great it looks in person. What's interesting is that they now make it in a spray can for those of too lazy (or unskilled) to use an airbrush! As for Mave, it's one helluva design. And as usual, even before paint, with WM Cheng doing it, I know it'll be great!
  20. Here's some pics, BTW. I'll dig up the full review when the old boards are up. First, the Zaku:
  21. I'd have thought the same thing, but these little figures are really worth it. I don't at all regret the two I currently have on display.
  22. I'm not sure, though. i never really understood why conventions and contests were grouped together.
  23. Maybe the rear thrusters fire to compensate?
  24. Now THAT looks bad-ass!
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